

3 Top GenAI Threats – and why Zero Trust AI Access is the Future

Large Language Models (LLMs) are revolutionizing the way we interact with technology. As a result, SaaS vendors are vying for a competitive edge by integrating AI features, offering enterprises tools such as AI-based sales insights or coding co-pilots. LLM - A User, An Application or a Bit of Both? Traditionally, zero-trust security models have relied on a clear distinction between users and applications. Yet, LLM-integrated applications disrupt this distinction, functioning simultaneously as both. This reality introduces a new set of security vulnerabilities, such as data leakage, prompt injection, risky access to online...

Top 5 GCC Companies to Work for in India

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, the term “GCC” has transcended from a mere jargon to become a cynosure of India’s economic growth. With over 1600 operational Global Capability Centres (GCCs) and counting while employing more than 1.3 million people, India has become the GCC capital of the world. GCCs have a huge economic impact, contributing to billions in taxes and expected to generate half a million jobs in couple of years. According to the Zinnov-Nasscom India’s GCC Trends report, about 83% of the new GCCs established in India in...

Unleashing the Power of Technology in the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain: The Rise of Traceability

By Kristy Sheng   Ensuring the authenticity and origin of drugs in a complex pharmaceutical supply chain remains a significant challenge, yet it is imperative for safeguarding global health. A report by the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that counterfeit medicines account for 10% of the global market, posing a significant threat to patient safety and health. However, technological advancements are revolutionizing traceability within this complex system. The Importance of Traceability Counterfeit drugs are not merely ineffective; they can be life-threatening. They may contain harmful substances, lack essential ingredients, or...

Streamlining Operations: Digital Solutions for Efficient Healthcare Management

By Surjeet Thakur   In today's fast-paced world, the healthcare business is continually expanding to meet patient needs and technological breakthroughs. The ever-growing healthcare industry is constantly under pressure to improve efficiency and provide exceptional patient care. Digital technologies are developing as effective tools for streamlining operations and improving healthcare management. Here's a glimpse into how technology is transforming healthcare: Hospital Management Systems (HMS): Hospital management system software is a comprehensive digital solution that streamlines and automates many administrative and operational operations in a hospital or healthcare facility. It includes...

Building Resilience: Strategies Organisations Can Adapt for Navigating Uncertainty and Challenges

By Nilesh Dungarwal In today's fast-paced and ever-changing business environment, organizations face a myriad of challenges and uncertainties. From economic fluctuations to technological disruptions and global crises, the ability to navigate and thrive amidst uncertainty has become a critical skill for businesses. Building resilience is key to not only surviving but also thriving in such dynamic landscapes. Resilience is more than just bouncing back from setbacks; it's about adapting, evolving, and transforming in the face of adversity. It involves a proactive approach to risk management, strategic planning, and fostering a...
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