
Posspole: Empowering Global Tech Innovation and Overcoming Talent Gaps

CXOToday has engaged in an exclusive interview with Mr Kiran Rudrappa, CEO & Co-Founder, Posspole


Can you provide examples of how Posspole’s ecosystem has supported businesses in overcoming talent shortages in technology and AI fields?

Posspole has been instrumental in addressing talent shortages in the technology and AI sectors. We connect businesses with our diverse community of innovators, start-ups, and experts. By fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange within our ecosystem, businesses gain access to a talent pool that’s rich in diverse skills. For example, recently an upcoming AI company which was led by a techno entrepreneur with unique AI capabilities was merged with another company which is working on cutting edge computer vision at the edge. Both the teams leveraged each other’s strengths and now they have full stack to hit the market segments in defence, industry and commercial space.


How does Posspole facilitate the development and scaling of high-tech products for its clients?

Posspole provides a conducive environment for the development and scaling of high-tech products. We offer state-of-the-art infrastructure, access to talent and facilities, manufacturing capabilities, market access and strategic partnerships. Start-ups and businesses can collaborate within our ecosystem to ideate, prototype, and manufacture their products efficiently. For instance, a food tech start-up was able to rapidly  scale up their visibility by utilizing our experiential centres, market access, design services and accessing network partners within our ecosystem.

Can you explain the role of intellectual properties within Posspole’s ecosystem and how they contribute to innovation and product development?

Intellectual properties (IP) play a significant role in our ecosystem. We support businesses in protecting their IP through expert guidance and legal resources. This enables innovators to confidently explore new ideas. Furthermore, our ecosystem promotes collaboration, allowing innovators to share knowledge and create new IPs collaboratively. Besides, the ecosystem enables companies and start-ups coming from outside India to get into partnership or JV, to localize their products by sharing IP rights with local partners. Currently, many such opportunities are getting realized in Water management, Special clothing’s and Marine applications.

What strategies and initiatives has Posspole undertaken to establish itself as a global player in technology and AI innovation?Posspole has initiated several strategies to become a global technology and product innovation hub. We have established strategic partnerships with international technology organizations, fostering global collaboration. We regularly host international tech delegations and have opened our doors to prominent manufacturing nations worldwide. Our commitment to sustainability and innovation aligns with global trends, further positioning us as a key global player in innovation. Currently we have partnered with team @SF and created SF-Bangalore sister city center, and many more are in the pipeline.

How does Posspole plan to extend its innovative ecosystem beyond India, and what regions and industries is it currently engaging with?Posspole has ambitious plans for global expansion. We’re currently in talks with stakeholders in regions known for their technology and manufacturing capabilities, such as Southeast Asia, Europe, Canada, US and the Middle East. Our initial focus is on industries where high-tech innovation is critical, including electronics, aerospace, mobility and healthcare. We aim to replicate our successful ecosystem model in these regions, fostering innovation and driving economic progress on a global scale. By 2030, Posspole shall be operational in 30 countries.