
Securing Data in Motion and at Rest: Enhancing Encryption and Privacy in Modern IT Environments

CXOToday has engaged in an exclusive interview with Ruchin Kumar, VP – South Asia, Futurex


  • Why are traditional encryption methods (data at rest and in transit) no longer sufficient for comprehensive data security?

Traditional encryption methods for data at rest and in transit must be improved due to evolving cyber threats and technological advances. Sophisticated attacks like advanced persistent threats and potential quantum computing breakthroughs threaten current encryption standards. Additionally, traditional methods do not protect data while it’s being processed, leaving it vulnerable. Modern IT environments complicate consistent encryption applications with their complexity and distributed nature. Human errors, such as misconfigurations and weak user practices, further weaken security. Regulatory requirements also demand more than just encryption. A comprehensive security approach is essential to address these challenges, incorporating zero trust architecture, homomorphic encryption, and advanced authentication methods to ensure robust data protection.


  • How does data-in-use protection address the vulnerability of decrypted data being used within applications?

Data-in-use protection addresses the vulnerability of decrypted data within applications by employing advanced techniques that keep data secure during processing. Homomorphic encryption allows computations on encrypted data without decryption, ensuring data remains protected throughout the processing phase. Trusted execution environments (TEEs) isolate sensitive data within a secure processor area, shielding it from the broader system. Confidential computing extends TEEs to cloud environments, securing data during cloud-based processing. Secure multi-party computation (SMPC) enables multiple parties to compute functions on encrypted data shares, maintaining privacy. Memory encryption safeguards data stored in RAM, while dynamic data masking (DDM) obscures sensitive information in real time to prevent unauthorized access. Tokenization replaces sensitive data with non-sensitive tokens during processing, linking to original data through secure vaults accessible only by authorized systems. Together, these methods ensure comprehensive protection for data in use, mitigating risks associated with decryption.


  • What are some of the advanced cryptographic techniques that can enable secure data processing? What is their role in securing data?

Advanced cryptographic techniques are crucial for enabling secure data processing, ensuring data protection even during active use. Homomorphic encryption allows computations on encrypted data without decryption, maintaining privacy throughout the process. Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC) enables multiple parties to jointly compute functions on encrypted data shares, preserving privacy by preventing access to others’ data. Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) create isolated secure areas within processors for executing sensitive code and handling data, shielding it from the rest of the system. Confidential computing extends TEEs to cloud environments, securing data from external threats and internal cloud provider access during cloud-based processing. Memory encryption protects data stored in RAM, ensuring attackers cannot read the encrypted data without decryption keys, even if attackers access physical memory. Differential privacy adds statistical noise to data analysis outputs, preventing the identification of individual entries while allowing aggregate data analysis. Attribute-based encryption (ABE) enables fine-grained access control by encrypting data based on specific attributes or policies, ensuring only authorized users can decrypt and access the data. These techniques collectively ensure robust data protection during processing, maintaining privacy, preventing unauthorized access, and ensuring data integrity throughout its lifecycle.


  • What are the advantages and challenges of data-in-use protection? How can this be achieved?

Data-in-use protection offers significant advantages by securing data during its most vulnerable phase—when it is being processed. This ensures enhanced security and privacy preservation, allowing computations and data analysis without exposing the underlying information. Such protection is crucial for compliance with data protection regulations like GDPR and HIPAA, building trust among users and stakeholders, and mitigating risks from insider threats. However, implementing data-in-use protection presents challenges such as performance overhead due to computational intensity, increased system complexity, integration difficulties, scalability issues, and higher costs.


  • How can organizations balance leveraging the benefits of data-in-use protection and mitigating the potential downsides (performance issues, complexity, user experience)?

Achieving the delicate equilibrium between capitalizing on data-in-use protection benefits and mitigating potential drawbacks is vital for organizations. Cutting-edge encryption techniques safeguard data during processing, minimizing performance impact. Advanced encryption protocols and hardware acceleration capabilities, such as those in modern CPUs and specialized hardware, further optimize performance without compromising security. Access control and data segmentation limit sensitive data access to authorized users or processes. Additionally, in-memory computing technologies facilitate seamless data processing without persisting it to disk, enhancing performance while upholding data protection. Prioritizing user experience and transparent security mechanisms ensure uninterrupted productivity. Continuous performance monitoring and tuning adapt to evolving needs, supported by comprehensive employee training to foster a security-conscious culture. Regular reassessment of security measures and expertise in anticipating and mitigating emerging threats ensures organizations maintain an ideal balance between data protection and performance.


  • What are privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs)? What role do these technologies play in data in-use protection?

Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) encompass a range of tools and methodologies designed to protect individuals’ privacy by minimizing or eliminating the collection, use, and dissemination of personal data. These technologies play a crucial role in data-in-use protection by offering mechanisms to safeguard sensitive information while it’s being processed or accessed. PETs employ encryption, anonymization, and access control techniques to ensure that data remains confidential and secure, even during active use. By applying PETs, organizations can enforce privacy-preserving measures, limiting unnecessary exposure of personal data and reducing the risk of unauthorized access or misuse. Additionally, PETs enable individuals to retain greater control over their personal information, promoting transparency and accountability in data handling practices. Overall, adopting PETs in data-in-use protection enhances privacy protections, fosters trust among stakeholders, and helps organizations comply with regulatory requirements regarding data privacy and security.


  • Can you give examples of PETs used in various sectors and explain how they benefit these sectors?

Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) are employed across various sectors to bolster data protection measures and enhance individuals’ privacy. In healthcare, technologies like homomorphic encryption enable secure computation on encrypted data, allowing medical researchers and practitioners to perform analyses without directly accessing patients’ sensitive information. This ensures patient privacy while still facilitating valuable research and diagnostics. Similarly, in finance, technologies like differential privacy enable banks and financial institutions to analyze large datasets for fraud detection and risk assessment without compromising customer confidentiality. This enhances trust and security in financial transactions while adhering to strict regulatory requirements. In telecommunications, PETs such as secure multi-party computation enable collaborative data analysis without sharing raw data, preserving user privacy in network usage and location tracking. Across sectors, PETs contribute to bolstering data security, fostering consumer trust, and ensuring compliance with privacy regulations, ultimately benefiting businesses and individuals by balancing data utility with privacy protection.


  • Are there other examples of technologies that contribute to data-in-use protection? If so, can you name them and briefly explain their function?

Various technologies are crucial in safeguarding data during active processing, ensuring privacy and security across diverse industries and scenarios. Secure Enclaves establish isolated execution environments within CPUs, protecting data by keeping it encrypted and segregated from other processes. Tokenization substitutes sensitive data with non-sensitive tokens, commonly employed in payment processing and cloud computing to shield information such as credit card numbers. Homomorphic Encryption allows computations on encrypted data without decryption, preserving privacy during analysis. Data Masking and Dynamic Data Masking obscure or limit sensitive data exposure, while Federated Learning enables machine learning models to train across decentralized devices without sharing raw data. Complementing Privacy Enhancing Technologies, these technologies contribute to robust data-in-use protection strategies, ensuring privacy and security across sectors.


  • Can you suggest industries that could potentially benefit from data-in-use protection and PETs? Why?

Industries across the spectrum could significantly benefit from implementing data-in-use protection measures and Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs). Sectors dealing with sensitive personal information, such as healthcare and finance, gain immensely from safeguarding data during processing. In healthcare, where patient confidentiality is paramount, data-in-use protection and PETs ensure that medical records and sensitive health information remain secure during analysis and research, fostering trust between patients and healthcare providers. Similarly, the finance industry relies heavily on maintaining the privacy and security of financial transactions and customer data. By implementing PETs and data-in-use protection mechanisms, financial institutions can enhance security measures for online banking, payment processing, and fraud detection while complying with stringent regulatory requirements. Moreover, industries heavily relying on data analytics, such as telecommunications, retail, and marketing, can leverage PETs to analyze customer behaviour and trends without compromising individual privacy. Overall, implementing data-in-use protection and PETs mitigates the risk of data breaches and regulatory penalties and builds consumer trust and confidence, ultimately benefiting industries across the board.


  • How do you think data-in-use protection strategies might evolve to address emerging threats?

Emerging threats and technological advancements will shape the evolution of data-in-use protection strategies. One direction of progress involves leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning to bolster real-time threat detection and response capabilities. Organizations can swiftly identify unusual patterns signalling potential security breaches during data processing by employing AI-driven algorithms, enabling proactive mitigation measures. Furthermore, the advent of quantum computing demands the development of post-quantum cryptography to fortify data-in-use against quantum-based attacks. Additionally, decentralized and blockchain-based solutions may offer enhanced data protection by dispersing processing tasks across distributed networks, mitigating risks of single points of failure. With evolving privacy regulations, future strategies will likely prioritize user-centric privacy measures like data anonymization and user-controlled data access, empowering individuals to manage their personal information more effectively. Forthcoming data-in-use protection strategies will integrate innovative technologies, proactive threat detection, and user-centric privacy controls to meet the challenges of an evolving digital landscape.


  • What role can data-in-use protection play in ensuring user privacy alongside robust data security?

Data-in-use protection is crucial in safeguarding user privacy and robust data security by ensuring that sensitive information remains confidential and secure during active processing. By employing encryption, access controls, and other privacy-enhancing technologies, organizations can protect user data from unauthorized access or misuse, preserving individual privacy rights. Additionally, data-in-use protection measures enable organizations to comply with privacy regulations and standards by minimizing the risk of data breaches or unauthorized disclosures. Moreover, organisations can empower individuals to manage their personal information while benefiting from data-driven services and applications by implementing transparent and user-centric privacy controls, such as data anonymization or user-controlled data access. Overall, data-in-use protection is a critical component of a comprehensive data security strategy, balancing data accessibility and usability with the imperative to protect user privacy in an increasingly digital and interconnected world.