Press Release

Writer Information Partners with Cymmetri to Offer Converged IDAM as a Shared Service

Empowering Secure Digital Identities: A Strategic Partnership for Enhanced Cybersecurity


Writer Information Management Services (Writer Information), a leading provider of managed services, has entered into a strategic partnership with Cymmetri, a Converged Identity Access Management platform towards bolstering identity security services. This collaboration aims to provide IDAM as a shared service (IDaaS) from Writer Information’s India hosted cloud to customers worldwide.

The integration of Writer Information’s managed services with Cymmetri’s IDaaS platform will provide customers with a comprehensive suite of IDAM solutions from a single platform. This includes features such as SSO & MFA, Passwordless, User Lifecycle Management, Identity Governance, and Identity Threat Detection. By leveraging real-time data insights and proactive monitoring, organisations can enhance their security posture and prevent unauthorised access to sensitive information.

This partnership represents a significant milestone in cybersecurity and IDAM, marking a joint commitment to deliver top-notch solutions at competitive costs. Mr. Satyamohan Yanambaka, CEO, Writer Information, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “Cymmetri’s innovative approach to identity protection aligns perfectly with Writer Information’s commitment to delivering top-of-the-line cybersecurity solutions to our customers at a competitive cost. By joining forces, we are expanding our service offerings and enhancing our ability to safeguard our clients against evolving threats.

Vikas Jha, CEO, Cymmetri, echoed this sentiment, saying, “Cymmetri is excited to welcome Writer Information as a managed service partner. Together, we will leverage our combined strengths to empower organisations with advanced identity protection solutions, enabling them to stay ahead of emerging threats and safeguard their digital assets effectively.

The benefits of IDAM as a shared service extend across various industries, including finance, healthcare, and e-commerce:

  1. Cost Efficiency: Consolidating IDAM functions saves costs on licensing, infrastructure, and personnel.
  2. Streamlined Operations: Simplified management ensures consistent policies and enhances efficiency.
  3. Improved Security: Centralised control over access reduces the risk of breaches.
  4. Enhanced User Experience: Seamless experience across applications eliminates credential management complexities.
  5. Scalability and Flexibility: Easily adapts to changing business needs, accommodating growth and new technologies.
  6. Compliance and Governance: Simplifies compliance with regulations and internal policies, facilitating access control and auditing.
  7. Faster Time to Market: Accelerates deployment of new services with a standardised framework.
  8. Support for Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Environments: Ensures consistent identity management across various environments, guaranteeing secure access to resources.

In the face of evolving cyber threats, partnerships like the one between Writer Information and Cymmetri highlight the importance of collaboration in safeguarding digital identities. Through innovative solutions and proactive measures, organisations can strengthen their defences against cyber threats and preserve the integrity of their digital assets.