
Breaking the Glass Keyboard – Creating Supportive Spaces for Women in Tech


By Hemalatha Raghuvanshi 

The quest for gender equality within the tech domain is a journey marked by strides and lingering hurdles. A 2020 NASSCOM survey revealed that women constituted only 36% of the Indian technology workforce, spotlighting the progress achieved and the persisting challenges. Despite a substantial pool of talented female STEM graduates, women’s representation in senior tech positions remains dismally low. While initial and mid-level roles exhibit a somewhat balanced gender ratio, senior leadership positions witness a drastic drop, with just one woman among ten leaders.

Recent years, however, have seen a growing push to break this glass ceiling and amplify the presence of women in tech. While the industry evolves toward inclusivity, transcending gender biases remains imperative. Acknowledging the immense value of gender diversity isn’t merely symbolic; it’s the impetus for transformative change.

Several efforts have aimed to mitigate barriers obstructing women’s professional growth in tech. Empowerment initiatives have instilled confidence and agency among women. But despite this progress, substantial room for improvement remains.

Boosting women’s representation in tech isn’t just about numbers; it’s about cultivating an ecosystem that values and supports their contributions. This involves nurturing their talents, amplifying their voices, and acknowledging their impact.

Building supportive teams within the tech sector is pivotal. Collaborative workspaces embracing diverse perspectives benefit immensely from women’s inclusion, fostering innovation. Facilitating mentorship, networking, and skill-building opportunities fortifies women’s professional development and organizational growth.

However, it’s not just about recruitment; it’s about fostering a culture that propels women’s advancement. Genuine interactions and networks are key. Encouraging open dialogues and fostering connections irrespective of hierarchy empowers women to contribute more effectively.

Human Resource policies are instrumental in catalyzing this change. Policies advocating equal opportunities, fair compensation, and work-life balance create an environment where women thrive. Flexible work arrangements, parental leave policies, and unbiased promotion criteria bridge the gender gap.

Moreover, robust support systems ensure women’s sustained contributions. These systems encompass organizational policies and a cultural shift celebrating diversity and inclusivity. Empowering women in tech goes beyond box-ticking; it’s about rewriting the industry narrative. By cultivating an inclusive ecosystem that rejects gender bias, the tech sector can harness its entire workforce’s potential.

To sum it up, strides toward gender inclusivity have been made, but substantial ground remains uncharted. Elevating women in tech necessitates concerted efforts: creating supportive spaces, fostering an inclusive culture, and implementing robust HR policies. By championing diversity and empowering women, the tech industry propels itself toward innovation and lasting growth.


(The author is Hemalatha Raghuvanshi, CHRO and Co-Founder, Sekel Tech, and the views expressed in this article are her own)