
Comment on Innovative usage of technology, AI/ML to gather insights and accuracy in election 2024 exit polls/forecasts

“The use of generative AI, ML and Big Data for analytic tools and market research techniques is gaining significance every day and bringing about a significant depth in data analysis for electoral numbers in India. The 2024 Indian general election, with over 97 crores voters, world’s biggest psephological challenge by far, it will set an example for all democratic nations of the world about the efficiency and critical usage of technology in predictive analysis. The effective use of AI technology in the election’s era can pose a boon, as it can facilitate the complexities of Indian voters, with multi-regional, multi-lingual and diverse cultural aspirations to pinpoint possible prediction and trend analysis with greater accuracy in the world’s largest democratic exercise. It is increasingly being used for summarizing reports and identifying key findings from spreadsheet data. Having said that a model is only as perfect as the data used to create the model. Every new game-changing technology demands caution. Technology will play a major role in evolving market research and data intelligence domains adopted in election processes and understanding the mood of the nation.” – Mr. Pradeep Gupta, Chairman and Managing Director, Axis My India