
Direct CLOUD vs. Traditional Infrastructure: Why DirectCLOUD is the Future of Cloud Connectivity

By Sudhir Kunder

Businesses are constantly in search of effective and trustworthy solutions in the ever-changing world of cloud computing and data connectivity. While our current infrastructure has served us well, the increasing volume of data and the demand for more agile connections necessitate a radical rethinking of how networks are built and operated. Step in DirectCLOUD, a game-changing approach to cloud connectivity that will undoubtedly alter the way companies access and use cloud services in the future.

The Traditional Infrastructure Challenge

Businesses connect to cloud providers via internet service providers (ISPs) or network service providers (NSPs) in the traditional cloud infrastructure model. While this approach has gained popularity, it is not without its drawbacks, which can impair performance and scalability.

One of the primary issues with traditional infrastructure is latency. Data packets must traverse multiple network hops, often over vast geographical distances, resulting in increased latency. These delays can have a negative impact on performance and user experience for businesses that rely on real-time applications and data-intensive workloads.

Another critical issue is security. Because traditional connections use public networks, data is vulnerable to interception and potential security breaches. The rising tide of cyber threats necessitates a more secure and private data transmission solution.

Furthermore, as cloud usage grows, scaling traditional infrastructure to meet the increased demand becomes more complex and costly. Traditional models frequently necessitate large upfront investments as well as ongoing maintenance, making them less appealing in a world that values agility and cost-effectiveness.

DirectCLOUD addresses the shortcomings of traditional cloud connectivity by providing a direct, dedicated connection between businesses and cloud service providers, including AWs, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and Oracle Cloud, which cover 90% of the Indian market. DE-CIX India, India’s Largest Interconnection Platform, leverages its global infrastructure and expertise to provide this cutting-edge solution known as DirectCLOUD.

  1. Enhanced Performance and Reduced Latency

DirectCLOUD offers a private, secure connection to the cloud, allowing businesses to avoid using the public internet. By reducing the number of hops that data must make, latency is decreased and application performance is enhanced. Video conferencing, real-time data analytics, and online gaming are just a few examples of latency-sensitive applications that greatly benefit from this service.

A popular Bangalore-based consumer optics firm experiences 330 ms of latency when connecting to Amazon Web Services at Singapore over the open internet. They experienced a 40ms latency after migrating to DE-CIX India’s DirectCLOUD. They have experienced zero interruptions or errors in their connection over the past two years.

  1. Unparalleled Security and Reliability

DirectCLOUD increases the safety of data transmission by using a direct, private connection. Companies don’t have to worry about hackers or data theft compromising their sensitive data. Better management of data flows is another benefit of this architecture, as it facilitates conformity with data privacy laws and other sector-specific standards.

  1. Scalability and Flexibility

DirectCLOUD enables businesses the ability to seamlessly scale their cloud connectivity. Companies can easily increase their bandwidth and resources as data demands grow without the need for costly hardware upgrades. This scalability feature provides a dynamic and cost-effective solution for businesses seeking to stay ahead of the constantly changing digital landscape.

DirectCLOUD’s scalability, adaptability, and white-labeling capabilities attracted one of India’s Largest Telecom companies, which is now reselling the solution under its own brand.

With the help of our service, they have grown into a reliable partner for hundreds of SMEs, SMBs, Enterprises and many more.  This exemplifies the remarkable adaptability of the service and the numerous ways in which the provider can benefit from deploying this DirectCLOUD.

  1. Global Reach

DE-CIX operates a vast global network of Interconnection Platforms, offering businesses unparalleled access to cloud service providers worldwide. With this global reach, businesses can deploy their services in multiple regions and cater to a diverse customer base without sacrificing performance.

Traditional infrastructure is no longer an ideal option in the race to embrace cloud computing and realize the full potential of digital transformation. DirectCLOUD emerges as the clear winner, with improved performance, security, scalability, and global reach. Businesses can position themselves for a future of seamless cloud connectivity and unlock unprecedented possibilities by implementing DirectCLOUD.

The world is changing quickly, and so should our approach to cloud connectivity. DirectCLOUD is ushering in a new era of cloud connectivity, where businesses can thrive with efficiency, security, and agility.

Embrace the future of cloud connectivity with DirectCLOUD – the true enabler of digital success!


(The author is Mr. Sudhir Kunder, Country Director, DE-CIX India, and the views expressed in this article are his own)

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