
Navigating the Horizon: Anticipated Tech Trends for 2024

By Ms. Chandrika Behl, Managing Director, Exhibitions India Group.


The fast-paced evolution of technology continues to redefine the way we live, work, and interact. The year 2023 has been a defining moment for India, with the nation holding the G20 Presidency. It allowed the country to showcase its emerging economic might and tech prowess. As the IT/ICT and associated industries establish themselves as critical to industrial and economic growth, the government expects the sector to mature and sync with global trends. Let us explore some anticipated trends to shape the tech terrain in 2024.


Quantum Computing Maturity: Quantum computing has long been the beacon of the future, promising unparalleled processing power. Therefore, 2024 will foresee a significant leap in its maturity. Widespread adoption may still be on the horizon; however, early applications in complex problem-solving and cryptography are likely to emerge, signalling the dawn of a new era in computing capabilities.


Edge Computing Integration: The proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has paved the way for edge computing. Expect a seamless integration of edge computing into various industries. This shift promises to enhance real-time data processing, reduce latency, and alleviate the strain on centralised cloud systems, thereby transforming the efficiency of data-driven applications.


AI Democratisation: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to become more accessible than ever. As AI algorithms mature, democratisation will enable a broader range of industries and professionals to harness the power of machine learning. This shift is expected to empower businesses of all sizes, fostering innovation and driving productivity across diverse sectors.


Extended Reality (XR) for Collaboration: Collaboration tools have become indispensable, especially in a world that has embraced remote and hybrid work models. There will be a surge in the use of Extended Reality (XR) technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), for collaborative purposes. These immersive technologies will bridge the physical gap, enabling more interactive and engaging remote collaboration experiences.


Cybersecurity Evolution: With the escalating frequency and sophistication of cyber threats, the evolution of cybersecurity is imperative. Industries are expected to experience a shift towards proactive and adaptive cybersecurity measures. This includes the integration of AI-driven threat detection, decentralised identity management, and a renewed emphasis on cybersecurity education to fortify digital defences.


5G Integration across Industries: The deployment of 5G networks is well underway, and a broader integration of 5G across industries beyond telecommunications is expected in 2024. From manufacturing and healthcare to transportation and entertainment, the high-speed, low-latency connectivity of 5G is set to revolutionise various sectors, unlocking new possibilities for innovation and efficiency.


Sustainable Tech Solutions: As environmental concerns take centre stage, the tech industry is poised to play a pivotal role in sustainable practices. With the development and adoption of eco-friendly technologies, from energy-efficient data centres to sustainable materials in electronics, the tech sector will gear up to positively impact the planet.


Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrency: While blockchain technology gained prominence through cryptocurrencies, its applications extend far beyond digital currencies. In the coming year, an increased adoption of blockchain in areas such as supply chain management, healthcare, and digital identity verification will happen. The inherent security and transparency of blockchain offer solutions to longstanding challenges in diverse industries.



The tech trends anticipated for 2024 reflect a trajectory of continuous innovation and adaptation to the evolving needs of our interconnected world. While these projections provide a glimpse into the future, the dynamic nature of technology ensures that unforeseen developments will undoubtedly shape the landscape in ways we can only imagine. As we navigate the uncharted waters of the tech frontier, the collaborative efforts of individuals, businesses, and innovators will drive the positive impact of these trends on society as a whole.


(The author is Ms. Chandrika Behl, Managing Director, Exhibitions India Group, and the views expressed in this article are her own)