
Why APIs are the new battleground for security

By Murtaza Bhatia,

API security is a crucial aspect of modern application development, especially given the growing prevalence of API sprawl. API sprawl refers to the uncontrolled proliferation of APIs within an organization. As organizations adopt more cloud-based applications and services, the number of APIs they use to connect these applications and services is also increasing. This can lead to a situation where organizations lose track of all the APIs they have created and connected, making it difficult to manage and secure them effectively.

To address the challenge of API sprawl, organizations need to implement a comprehensive API discovery and inventory process. This process should identify all the APIs that are used within the organization, as well as their purpose, dependencies, and security vulnerabilities. Once all the APIs have been identified, organizations need to track them to ensure that they are kept up to date and secure. Last year, a survey by API security firm, Salt Security, revealed that 94% of survey respondents experienced security problems in production APIs, with 20% stating their organizations suffered a data breach as a result of security gaps in APIs. In addition, the report found that API attack traffic has doubled in the past 12 months. The survey also highlighted that more than 50% of respondents delayed rolling out a new application due to API security concerns.

Security concerns with APIs

APIs have become more popular as more companies adopt cloud computing, mobile and web applications, and microservices. The more APIs are used, the more they become a target for attackers. Many APIs have vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers. For example, poorly designed APIs can be susceptible to injection attacks, authentication flaws, and cross-site scripting (XSS). Further, as the complexity of APIs increases, so does the difficulty in securing them. Modern APIs are not just simple data transfer protocols but rather a collection of different functionalities that can be used in different ways.

APIs are also designed to provide easy access to data, which makes them attractive targets for attackers. An attacker who can gain access to an API can potentially steal sensitive data, compromise user accounts, or launch other types of attacks.

APIs lack a standardization framework, which can make it challenging to develop a security strategy that works across all APIs. Different APIs have different security requirements, and implementing a security strategy that is effective across all APIs can be difficult. Given these factors, it’s crucial that organizations invest in securing their APIs.

Best practices for securing APIs

As APIs are becoming a popular target for cybercriminals, it is crucial to implement best practices for API security.

Some of the best practices for ensuring API security include:

Use Authentication and Authorization: Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of an API user, while authorization is the process of granting permissions to access specific resources. It is essential to implement authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users can access the API’s resources.

APIs should implement different types of authentication methods such as OAuth, JWT, and Basic Authentication to ensure that the user’s identity is verified. Authorization should be implemented using role-based access control (RBAC) and attribute-based access control (ABAC) mechanisms.

Implement Rate Limiting: Rate limiting is an essential mechanism for controlling the number of requests that an API can handle in a given time period. It is essential to implement rate limiting to protect the API from brute force attacks and DDoS attacks. A rate-limiting mechanism can be implemented at the API Gateway level, and it should be configured based on the specific use case.

Implement Input Validation: Input validation is an essential aspect of securing APIs. It is important to validate input parameters such as headers, query parameters, and request payloads to ensure that they do not contain any malicious content. Input validation can help prevent injection attacks, buffer overflows, and other vulnerabilities.

Use Encryption: Encryption is the process of converting data into an unreadable format to protect it from unauthorized access. Encryption should be used to protect sensitive data such as user credentials, API keys, and tokens. SSL/TLS encryption should also be used to secure communication between the API and its clients.

Implement Monitoring and Logging: APIs should be monitored and logged to detect and respond to security incidents quickly. Monitoring and logging can provide insights into the API’s usage patterns, identify potential security threats, and help with forensic analysis.

Implement Security Testing: Security testing is an essential aspect of API security. It is crucial to test the API for vulnerabilities such as injection attacks, broken authentication and authorization, and other vulnerabilities. Security testing should be performed regularly to ensure that the API is secure and free from vulnerabilities.

Implement Secure Coding Practices: Secure coding practices should be implemented during the development of the API. Secure coding practices such as input validation, error handling, and data sanitization can help prevent vulnerabilities in the API. The API should also be reviewed for security issues by security experts to ensure that it is free from vulnerabilities.

To ensure a smooth API Lifecycle within an organization, it is essential to implement an API architecture and API Management framework. A comprehensive understanding of all available APIs and their respective layers – including APIs for information management, application interconnect, integration/enterprise BUS, and interaction layer – is crucial. These APIs must be efficiently managed through a central management tool, and all API communication must occur through a Gateway that intercepts calls for security checks and monitoring.

In conclusion, ensuring API security is essential for protecting an organization’s digital assets. Implementing best practices for API security such as authentication and authorization, rate limiting, input validation, encryption, monitoring and logging, security testing, and secure coding practices can help in preventing security incidents and protect an organization from potential data breaches. By implementing these best practices, organizations can build secure APIs that are resistant to cyber threats and can provide a high level of protection to their customers’ data.



(The author is Mr. Murtaza Bhatia is Director, Cybersecurity, NTT Ltd.in India, and the views expressed in this article are his own)