
Why Content Marketing is the Key for B2B Marketeers

By Jay Thadeshwar


In the dynamic landscape of B2B marketing, where allocating budgets is a delicate balance, the emergence of content marketing has become a game-changer. Contrary to the trend of conservative budget allocation, a staggering 46% of B2B companies plan on increasing their content marketing spend within the next 12 months. This underscores the recognition of content marketing’s enduring potential in the B2B sphere, with 30% of marketers acknowledging it as the channel with the “highest ROI” (Statista).


The Importance of Storytelling:

In a landscape saturated with diverse content across multiple channels, the challenge lies in capturing the attention of business leaders. The key to this lies in crafting content that combines stories, ideas, and insights. Business audiences resonate with surprising ideas, value insights that reshape their perspectives, and engage deeply with stories that connect on a personal level. The essence of successful B2B content marketing lies not only in having the right strategy and channels but in the compelling narrative that captivates the audience at a profound level.


In the intricate world of B2B marketing, content is the currency that drives meaningful connections and fosters lasting relationships. At Poised Media, India’s leading B2B marketing agency, we understand that the strategic use of compelling narratives and insightful ideas is the key to unlocking the true potential of content marketing. We specialize in creating content that not only resonates but also propels businesses forward. Our focus is not just on creating content; it’s about creating content that captivates and delivers tangible results for our clients in the dynamic B2B landscape.


Distinguishing B2B from B2C:

Unlike B2C marketing, where the focus is on brand awareness and quick sales, B2B sales operate on a longer cycle. With nearly half of B2B sales taking seven months or more to close, content becomes a critical tool in nurturing leads through the buyer’s journey. Successful B2B marketers prioritize user informational needs, differentiate their content and brand from competitors, and create tailored content for each stage of the buyer’s journey.


Effective Content Formats:

In the arsenal of content marketing, certain formats prove highly effective for B2B audiences.


  • Blog Posts: Elevating brands with a 13x higher likelihood of a positive ROI.
  • White Papers: Favored by 22% of business leaders for in-depth research-based insights.
  • Shorter Articles: Research-based and enjoyed by 37% of executives for standing out in the crowd.
  • Case Studies: Providing reassurance in the latter stages of the buying funnel, appreciated by nearly half of all business leaders.
  • Infographics: A visual powerhouse that has become a staple in recent years.
  • Podcasts: Emerging as popular lead generation tools, delivering thought leadership on the move.
  • Videos: Boosting clickthrough rates and web conversion rates for companies that embrace them.
  • Email and LinkedIn: Powerhouses for engagement, generating substantial traffic to B2B websites and blogs.


Each format brings its unique advantages, and the choice depends on what aligns best with your brand and resonates with your audience.


Informative Content with a Unique Spin:

In a sea of content, quality trumps quantity. Creating memorable content requires more than transcribing reality—it demands adding value, color, variety, or a unique spin. Storytelling, appealing to both emotion and logic, becomes an essential element even in the pragmatic world of B2B.


Thought Leadership is of Paramount Importance:

Thought leadership content, a potent B2B strategy, directly influences business decision-makers. Thought leadership isn’t just a label; it’s a dynamic force, with nearly 60% of business decision-makers acknowledging its influence. However, the true power of thought leadership lies not in regurgitating existing ideas but in creating value that resonates with your audience. Investing in research for fresh insights that align with your audience’s needs is a winning strategy.



The Role of Content Activation:

Creating content is only part of the equation; content activation is equally critical. Astonishingly, 60 to 70% of all marketing content in most B2B organizations goes unused by sales reps. To maximize the value of content, a robust activation plan is essential, ensuring that relevant audiences, both internal and external, are aware of its existence through multiple channels.


Content marketing is not a sprint; it’s a marathon, requiring a patient and consistent approach. It involves incremental steps, guiding prospects through multiple stages before conversion. The key is to gain attention incrementally, respecting the buyer’s journey and building trust at every step.


In conclusion, as B2B organizations navigate the evolving marketing landscape, content marketing stands as the linchpin for success. Its ability to engage, inform, and influence positions it as an indispensable tool for those seeking to not only survive but thrive in the competitive B2B realm.


(The author is Founder & CEO of Poised Media, and the views expressed in this article are his own)