
The Human Element: A CEO’s Reflection on the Importance of People in Blue Collar Succes

By Nilesh Dungarwal

There are 258 million blue-collar workers in India, who provide significant economic contributions to the country. Their contribution is essential, and it isn’t hyperbole to suggest that our nation would come to a complete stop without them daily. We saw that during the Pandemic.


Despite their enormous numbers and important contributions to society, India’s blue-collar workforce is sometimes disregarded and undervalued. Even though the blue collar landscape is marked by technological innovation and automation, the significance of the human element in blue-collar industries cannot be overstressed. While machines and artificial intelligence play integral roles in enhancing efficiency, it is the skilled workforce, their commitment, and collaborative endeavors that truly propel success.  As companies, organizations, and businesses proliferate, it is crucial to remember that people—white or blue-collar—are the building blocks of their success.


According to a study published by Forbes, the results revealed happy employees are as much as 20% more productive in the workplace than unhappy employees. This reinforces the fact that businesses and employers need to prioritize their employees to achieve long-term success- even blue collar workforce. However, it is not just about recognizing the significance this workforce, it is also about creating a work environment that fosters growth, productivity and job satisfaction.


According to a study by Betterplace,  if companies improve engagement at various transition points, the attrition rates for blue collar workers can improve from the current levels of 50-150% depending on the industry. This makes it all the more crucial to invest in employee-oriented initiatives to not only retain crucial talent but also create a positive work culture.



Companies that prioritize their employees create a virtuous cycle where invested employees lead to a positive work environment which, in turn, creates more productive employees. This clearly reflects in a company’s bottom line – employee-centric companies outperform their competitors in the market.


Human Element plays as one of the most  pivotal aspect of blue-collar success, especially in the Indian context given the large numbers of blue collar workers supporting the economy. Given the vast majority of blue-collar workers and their substantial impact on the country’s economy, investing in employee-centric initiatives should be a priority for businesses and employers. This not only creates satisfied and productive employees but can also help businesses mitigate the economic impact of job loss in trying times such as the COVID-19 pandemic.


(The author is Nilesh Dungarwal, Co-founder & CTO, WorkIndia, and the views expressed in this article are his  own)