

How giving out too much information on Internet can be harmful

In the fast-paced digital landscape where the internet is leading the way, data has become an invaluable asset. The exponential growth of the internet has put people in positions of giving out crucial information about themselves every time they are using social media or anything else that connects them with the larger public on the internet. The loss of privacy is equivalent to loss of income if used incorrectly and hence the need to protect this has become crucial for every individual. To better guard against such serious issues we...

Trends Shaping The Financial Inclusion Landscape in 2024 and Beyond!

By Mr. Kamaljeet Rastogi India's journey toward financial inclusion has been remarkable, the determined and collaborative efforts by the government, financial institutions, and fintechs have transformed the financial landscape by bringing millions of underbanked individuals into the formal financial ecosystem. The government initiatives, particularly the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) laid a crucial foundation, resulting in the opening of over 50 crore bank accounts. Of these, 56% are held by women, and a substantial 67% have been established in rural and semi-urban areas. Other factors like technological advancements, higher...
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