

The factory of the future will be data-driven and AI optimized

By Srinivaschary T  Real-time data is enabling new levels of innovation and the rise of smarter factories when combined with potent tools like edge computing, AI/ML, and streaming analytics. Data is revolutionizing manufacturing. Forward-thinking businesses are combining edge and artificial intelligence (AI) with operational technology (OT) to offer use cases that yield impressive advantages. The evolution of smart manufacturing The production environment, also known as "the edge" in manufacturing, is where data is generated by cameras, sensors, machinery, and assembly lines. Businesses gather and translate data from these sources, or...

Cloud technology and challenges for SMBs

By Rajesh Pawar The global cloud computing market size is anticipated to grow from $626.4 billion in 2023 to $729.9 billion in 2024, marking a 16.2% year-over-year increase. Ecosystem changes reflecting shifts in technology trends, such as the rise of hybrid and multi-cloud strategies, the adoption of serverless computing, the integration of advanced AI and machine learning services, and the increasing influence of 5G technology, are prompting businesses to address evolving needs by enhancing efficiency and fostering innovation across industries. This shift in business practices, coupled with changing user expectations,...
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