

The Ultimate Guide to Content Creation

Maybe you have heard that content is king. Content includes news stories, how-to articles, cute dog videos, reviews, and just about everything else on the internet. Content informs, answers our questions, helps us make decisions, and entertains us. Content works for both the consumer and companies selling their products. What is Content Creation Content creation is nothing more than coming up with a topic and creating the content. Many times this content is used to promote a product or business. Content can include: Blog posts Infographic Video eBook Advertisement It...

Your Tech-Focused Team Needs to Learn to Code: Here’s Why

According to the latest job opening survey, programming jobs are growing 12% faster than the average. In the report, approximately 7 million jobs required some coding skills. This is an indication of how programming is finding its application in the real world. The current trend in the education and job market is also a great indicator of how coding is rapidly changing the way people look at the modern workforce. Nowadays, programming is becoming a critical skill needed to drive innovation and help with problem-solving. Schools are also incorporating coding...
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