

Four Common Mistakes That Startup Software Developers Make

It’s no surprise that the software development industry is booming. The quick acceleration of technology has paved the way for new software services, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, and machine learning. In fact, by 2017, the software industry had already seen massive growth across all 50 states, even during a time when the United States economy was experiencing a slowdown. It’s no wonder that developers are getting the recognition and opportunity they deserve in a world that’s powered by technology. Startups are particularly vulnerable in the...

5 High Paying Remote Job in 2020

Are you dumbstruck with what’s going around? An uninvited guest that seemed like a hilarious rumor turning to reality and then staying for months. A lot has happened in the past couple of months that neither of us expected. But one good thing stemming out of COVID-19 is the plethora of opportunities in the internet marketing job sector. The hiring in Digital Marketing has instead increased rather than decreasing or becoming obsolete like in other job sectors. Digital Marketing agency owners are cleverly using virtual office to set up the...

The Metrics Your Company’s Executives Need Included in Their Dashboards

Once used only by data professionals or for office eye candy, dashboards have become a must-have for business leaders around the world. With the rise of data-driven management, executives are finding significant value in their dashboards, extending far beyond the easy-to-digest visualizations. With interactive capabilities, executives have the flexibility to ask questions of their data dashboards, using natural language queries or zooming in from a bird’s-eye view of the organization to granular-level detail. This allows executives to truly understand what’s happening in their companies and the world of external stakeholders...

What is a NAS and Why You Should Use It?

Are you wondering what a NAS is and if you need one? When it comes to home networks, most people believe that buying a good router is sufficient. But the truth is, whether it’s your home network or office set up, you also need to find an effective and scalable storage solution. And this is where NAS comes in! Possibly you’re currently using either cloud storage like Dropbox or any local physical device such as an external hard drive for data storage. But there are some convincing reasons to start...

Oil, Bitcoin or Gold: Which Asset You Should Be Investing In?

Introduction As more and more countries are starting to report their economic data, a very grim global picture is emerging. According to the Chief of the European Central Bank (ECB), Christine Lagarde, the world is staring at a severe and unparalleled global recession. Almost all countries are experiencing the lowest consumption patterns in diverse businesses. The situation is tense in USA and in European countries, where growth rates are expected to plummet below, well into the integers. Given the alarming nature of the world’s financial scenario, investors have seen billions...
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