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Quishing: Take a Moment Before Scanning That QR Code! It Could Contain a Harmful Link

QR codes have become integral to our daily lives, whether for checking out a restaurant menu, accessing a discount coupon, connecting to Wi-Fi, or exploring historical places. These square-shaped patterns of black squares on a white background seem innocuous, but in the digital age, they can harbour a dark secret – a rising threat known as quishing.

What is Quishing, and How Does it Work?

Quishing is a form of phishing attack that exploits the ubiquitous use of QR codes. Phishing, a deceptive method to extract sensitive information, has evolved with technology trends. In quishing, scammers manipulate QR codes, leading individuals to fake websites that appear legitimate. Once on these sites, any information entered, such as usernames and passwords, becomes fair game for the cybercriminals. Moreover, quishing can take a more insidious form – installing malware through QR codes. This silent invasion collects your information without your knowledge, turning the convenience of QR codes into a potential threat.

Where Quishing Tries to Get You

Malicious QR codes can manifest in various scenarios, catching individuals off guard:

Emails and Messages: Cybercriminals often send deceptive QR codes via emails or messages, posing as legitimate sources like well-known companies or brands.

Fake Promotions: Deceptive QR codes may promise discounts or special offers, enticing users to scan without second thoughts.

Physical Spaces: Fraudulent QR codes strategically placed in public spaces, on posters, or on product packaging can exploit unsuspecting individuals.

Scammers’ Strategies to Make You Scan Their Malicious QR Codes

Cybercriminals employ creative tactics to trick users into scanning their fake QR codes:

Fake Delivery Notices: Claiming a failed package delivery, scammers instruct users to contact them, leading to the scanning of a malicious code.

Account Issues: Pretending there’s an issue with an account, scammers insist on confirming personal information.

Urgent Security Alerts: Fabricating suspicious activity, scammers create urgency, urging users to change passwords and, unwittingly, scan the malicious QR code.

Protecting Yourself Against Quishing

To avoid falling victim to quishing, users can adopt the following precautions:

  • Inspect URLs: Before opening a URL, ensure its legitimacy by checking for misspellings or switched letters, especially if it seems familiar.
  • Be Skeptical of Unexpected Messages: Don’t scan a QR code in an unexpected email or text message. Verify its legitimacy by contacting the company through official channels.
  • Secure Your Devices: Employ capable antivirus software on devices and fortify online accounts with strong passwords and multi-factor authentication.
  • Act Swiftly if Scammed: If a fake QR code is scanned, change passwords immediately and monitor associated accounts for any unauthorized activity.

In a world where convenience often blurs the lines between safety and vulnerability, taking a moment before scanning that QR code can be the difference between seamless interaction and falling prey to the deceptive tactic of quishing. Stay informed, stay cautious, and safeguard your digital presence.


(The article is written by Mr. Zakir Hussain, CEO – BD Software Distribution, and the views expressed in this article are his own)