
At Connect & Heal, our initiative to leverage AI for healthcare: Mr Nishant Kashyap, Vice-President, Engineering, Connect & Heal

  1. How is tech addressing healthcare challenges like data security and patient privacy?

When it comes to engineering, we prioritize data security and patient privacy. Our dedicated in-house security team conducts regular Vulnerability Assessments and Penetration Tests (VAPTs) for our applications and Cloud Infrastructures to ensure robust protection. Adhering to both general security standards and healthcare-specific regulations, we have obtained multiple compliance certifications, including ISMS, PIMS, and SOC 2 Type 2.

Additionally, for data security, we employ a robust set of measures. Encryption is a key component, safeguarding data both at rest and in transit. Our applications are fortified with Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) mechanisms, guaranteeing that access to data is authorized and controlled. Furthermore, we enforce automated backups, storing them securely with encryption. In anticipation of unforeseen emergencies, we have meticulously formulated a Disaster Recovery (DR) plan to ensure a swift and effective response, safeguarding the integrity and availability of our systems.

Our commitment to enhancing security is continuous, and we consistently work towards maintaining the highest standards. Rest assured, we are dedicated to safeguarding your information and ensuring everything remains secure and up to par.


  1. How are we reducing patient wait times using technology?

Technology is a key player in healthcare, significantly contributing to the reduction of patient wait times and enhancing overall healthcare experiences. One of the notable contributions is the facilitation of online doctor consultations, offering patients the convenience of seeking medical advice remotely. This not only minimizes the need for physical visits to healthcare facilities but also allows for timely responses to medical concerns.

Moreover, the technology platform at CNH extends its impact to scheduling lab tests, providing patients the flexibility to book appointments either at home or designated clinics or hybrid depending on various tests. This not only streamlines the process but also ensures that individuals can manage their healthcare requirements with ease, aligning with their schedules and preferences.

Real-time updates and alerts constitute another valuable aspect facilitated by our platform. Patients receive timely notifications, keeping them informed about appointment schedules, medication reminders, and other pertinent healthcare-related information. This proactive approach enhances patient engagement and adherence to prescribed regimens.

At CNH, we provide access to test results, prescriptions, and other medical information seamlessly through our platform. Patients can securely retrieve their health data online, eliminating the necessity for in-person visits solely for information retrieval. This not only promotes efficiency but also empowers individuals to take an active role in managing their health.


  1. What’s the plan for scalable tech infrastructure at Connect and Heal?

The foundation of scalability lies in the strategic selection of architecture during the initial stages of system development. This involves making informed choices about the technology stack, frameworks, and design patterns that align with the scalability goals. The architecture must be flexible and modular, accommodating potential enhancements and expansions without compromising system integrity. This intricate process involves a profound understanding of both present requirements and future growth trajectories, ensuring that the infrastructure can adapt seamlessly to evolving needs.

Ongoing optimization efforts encompass fine-tuning configurations, optimizing database queries, selecting suitable VMs based on expected load, evaluating tradeoffs between fixed and SPOT instances depending on the need, and shutting down non-critical infrastructure during off-peak hours. Additionally, refinements in application code are made to enhance overall efficiency. These optimizations collectively contribute to a responsive and agile system, ensuring it can handle increased workloads while maintaining optimal performance and, significantly, reducing costs.

Automation is integral to our scalability strategy at CNH. We have seamlessly integrated automated tools and scripts into processes like deployment, scaling, and resource provisioning. This not only expedites these operations but also reduces the likelihood of human error, promoting a more dependable, uniform, and scalable infrastructure.

In addition, we emphasize the importance of continuous monitoring to pinpoint performance bottlenecks and areas for enhancement. Leveraging sophisticated monitoring tools, we extract valuable insights into system behavior, resource utilization, and user interactions. This data-driven approach empowers us to make proactive adjustments, optimizing performance and ensuring efficient infrastructure operations, particularly during periods of peak demand.


  1. Are there any ongoing tech projects to enhance patient outcomes? What’s the technology behind these platforms?

Play Framework: The Play Framework is developed with the latest technology stack, seamlessly integrating backend, frontend, and third-party elements. Our development toolkit encompasses Java, Swift UI, Kotlin, React Native, MUX, and a host of other cutting-edge technologies. Notably, all video content is meticulously produced in-house, with real doctors actively involved in every stage of the process—from shooting and pre-production to the final content. Covering a wide spectrum of health-related subjects, our content spans topics such as mental health, lactation, cancer, and more, ensuring a comprehensive and informative repository.

An Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a digitized version of a patient’s comprehensive medical history, consolidating information from various healthcare providers. It includes patient demographics, medical history, medications, treatment plans, immunization dates, allergies, radiology images, and laboratory test results. Our EHRs provide a centralized, real-time platform for our healthcare professionals to access and update patient data, fostering efficient and coordinated care.

CNH users can schedule in-person consultations with doctors through our platform. During the consultation, the doctor, using our Electronic Health Record (EHR) solution, digitizes the patient’s health data. A digital prescription (Rx) is then generated, and the records seamlessly integrate with the patient’s overall health history. Users can conveniently access and view these records within our CNH platform, ensuring a comprehensive and unified health management experience.

The Differential Diagnosis feature aids doctors in predicting potential diagnoses based on patient symptoms. It utilizes a Machine Learning (MLP) model integrated with Natural Language Processing (NLP) and heuristic learning to make disease predictions. The model continually enhances its accuracy and effectiveness as it learns from expanding datasets, ensuring improved and precise results over time.


  1. How can the integration of generative AI affect business operations and innovation across healthcare?

Generative AI holds the potential to revolutionize healthcare by significantly improving diagnostic accuracy, tailoring treatment plans to individual patient data, and enabling remote patient monitoring through AI-powered devices. Additionally, it can enhance the efficiency of the healthcare supply chain by predicting demand, managing inventory, and optimizing logistics seamlessly.

To leverage the benefits of generative AI, professionals in the healthcare industry need to acquire new skills. This includes a solid understanding of AI fundamentals, proficiency in handling large datasets, and knowledge of programming languages. Developing critical thinking skills is also crucial for effectively utilizing generative AI tools in healthcare settings. As the industry embraces these advancements, professionals equipped with the necessary skills will be better positioned to harness the full potential of generative AI for improved patient care, innovative treatment approaches, and streamlined healthcare operations.


6.How can businesses and tech innovators ensure responsible and ethical use of generative AI while maximizing its benefits in healthcare?

Firstly, such integrations call for a steadfast commitment to ethical practices and compliance with healthcare regulations, data protection laws, and privacy regulations. Businesses must obtain explicit patient consent for the use of their data, ensuring transparency and accountability in AI applications.

Robust cybersecurity measures are paramount to safeguard AI models and healthcare data, protecting patient privacy and maintaining data integrity. Regular monitoring and auditing of AI systems are essential to assess their impact on patient outcomes and identify areas for improvement.

At CNH, our initiative to leverage AI for healthcare, we are developing a state-of-the-art differential diagnosis model. This AI-driven model aims to provide accurate and efficient disease diagnoses based on patient symptoms. Through continuous training with real doctor data, the model evolves and improves over time, enhancing its diagnostic capabilities. This approach ensures that the AI system is aligned with the latest medical knowledge, contributing to its effectiveness in supporting healthcare professionals in making precise and timely diagnosis for improved patient care.