
In conversation with Vikas Jain, Co-founder of Play about its doorstep after-sales service

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  1. Can you tell us how PLAY, a leading smart-wearable brand, ensures customer satisfaction through its exclusive PAHS policy, which offers door-to-door service?

A: Customer satisfaction is at the core of PLAY ethos. Our unique offering PAHS is the PLAY-at-HOME-service which warranties all PLAY products. PLAY offers home pick-up and deliveries if there are any defects in PLAY products. We spend a lot of effort to ensure high quality is maintained in PLAY products and PAHS shows our confidence in our product offerings and also gives our users a peace of mind.

  1. How does PLAY make it easy for customers to access and understand the user manual or instructions for their smart-wearable products?

A: PLAY is committed to making our smart-wearable products easy to use for all customers. To achieve this, we offer easy-to-understand user manuals and instructions that are available online on . We also have an easily accessible support team that is always available to assist with any questions or concerns about using our products.

  1. Can you explain how PLAY ensures that customers have no difficulties with the installation or setup of their smart-wearable products?

A: We ensure that PLAY customers are onboarding smoothly by having a very user friendly design. Our users will notice this both in our devices as well as mobile applications.

  1. How does PLAY inform customers about potential risks or side effects associated with using their smart-wearable products?

A: All PLAY products are manufactured using safe materials so our customers have no potential risks or side-effects associated with them.

  1. How does PLAY provide timely and adequate support to customers when they encounter issues with their smart-wearable products?

A: We understand that sometimes, customers may experience issues with their smart-wearable products. We have a dedicated support team that is available from 10 AM to 7 PM, Monday to Saturday to help customers with any issues they may encounter. We typically respond to our customers within 24 hours.

  1. Does PLAY offer customers the opportunity to return or exchange their products if they are defective or do not meet expectations?

A: Yes, PLAY offers customers the opportunity to return or exchange their products if they are defective or do not meet expectations. We have a clear return and exchange policy that outlines the steps customers need to take in order to receive a refund or exchange.

We believe in providing our customers with the best possible experience and want them to feel confident in their purchase.




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