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Planning to travel? Google Flights now gives you the best possible time to book cheaper flights across destinations

Google Flights, an online flight booking service launched more than a decade ago to help purchase airline tickets through third-party providers, just got smarter. Google is now releasing a new feature that would allow travelers to determine the right time to book their flights that could help them save a few additional Rupees. 

Starting this week, Google is launching new insights that will leverage historical data in order to let flyers know when the prices have been typically at their lowest to their destination for the dates that they’ve chosen. This is aimed at answering an oft-asked question around when is the right time to book tickets – is it cheaper now, or will it get cheaper later?

Gaining confidence with Google insights 

In a blog post, Google says, “On Google Flights, you can already see whether current prices for your search are low, typical or high compared to past averages for the same route. But the age-old question remains: Is it better to book now or wait for lower prices to come along?” 

“So this week, we’re launching upgraded insights to make that choice a bit easier. For searches with reliable trend data, you’ll now see when prices have typically been lowest to book your chosen dates and destination,” it says, while noting that the additional inputs would help flyers make the decision to book now or later much more confidently. 

How does the whole thing work?

“For example, these insights could tell you that the cheapest time to book similar trips is usually two months before departure, and you’re currently in that sweet spot. Or you might learn that prices have usually dropped closer to takeoff, so you decide to wait before booking. Either way, you can make that decision with a greater sense of confidence,” the blog post says. 

Of course, the additional feature is just one additional step beyond what Google Flights already offers. It allows users to see the cost of flights and trends on whether it makes sense to book one at a specific time of the day. Users can also turn on price tracking to receive notifications when flight prices fall below the number for their chosen dates or flexible dates. 

Runs a price guarantee Pilot for US citizens

In fact, Google is also offering a guarantee badge which indicates its confidence that the fare would not get any lower before departure. And in case it does, Google is open to refunding the difference via Google Pay. For now, this feature is only available in the United States and that too only on select itineraries. 

The company also takes pains to explain that the price guarantee badge is a pilot program for now. It works on the principle that for some flight prices, Google’s algorithms are confident that the price stated as the lowest would remain so. Also, once the booking is made on Google, it will monitor the price until the first flight on the itinerary departs and in case prices drop later, the company will pay the difference to the flier. 

The price guarantee offer provides the flier with the difference between the flight price when one books and the lowest ticket price. To get the money back, the price difference must be greater than $5 with the outer limit of $500 dollars per calendar year for up to three open price guaranteed bookings at one time. 

And in case this reminds you of the terms and conditions apply joke where the shop owner gives credit only to customers aged beyond 85 and when accompanied by both parents, you might have just seen through this exercise! 

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