Press Release

Digitalisation of Traditional Indian Games

Traditional games have historically served as a means of entertainment that bring together people of all ages. From the earliest to the most recent civilizations, these games have been a part of human culture. Despite this, games have changed significantly over the course of human history, thanks to the various techniques that have been implemented. As a result of the digital revolution, new play modes and methods have been developed.

With the advancement in technology, traditional games have become digitalised and robustly preserved without losing their look and feel. When robotics, 3D printing, data analytics, the Internet of Things, and digital manufacturing are combined, they merge the physical and virtual worlds, bringing conventional games into the fourth Industrial Revolution.

Robotics is a wonderful platform for learning 21st century skills and solving robotic challenges encourages innovation and develops creativity and problem-solving skills in students. The interdisciplinary branch of computer science and engineering involves design, construction, operation, along with use of robots and its goal is to design machines that can help and assist humans.

In order to enhance engineering and broadcasting technologies, as well as providing a platform for the holistic development of their students, Mahindra University provides several facilities including expert interactions, industry exposure and volunteering opportunities creating a cohort of excellence.

Students at Mahindra University, Rahul Aryapaka, Rounak, Prakhar Gupta, Mayuk Nandhula, Manish and Jatin recently developed two robots one for shooting the LAGORI and other for piling the LAGORI broken for the Annual contest ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest (ABU Robocon) at the global level. They created these robots under the mentorship of Prof Deep Seth and Prof Janardhan Vistapalli

LAGORI, or seven stones, which is a traditional game involves a ball and a pile of flat stones, is generally played between two teams in a large outdoor area. But with the technological revolution, several attempts have been made to play it by using machinery instead of human beings.




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