The second day of Bengaluru Tech Summit 2019 started off with a high voltage presentation by Gadgetguru and Tech Anchor Shri. Rajiv Makhni. During the day, National Finals of Rural IT Quiz, Robotics Competition – R2- RoboRecharge Robotic Premier League involving two races: a roborace and a quadcopter race, and a series of panel discussions on IT and BioTech were held. The day also witnessed the presentation of the Smart Bio Awards and Poster Awards.
Addressing the opening session, Shri. Rajiv Makhni spoke about how innovation should not only be a wow factor but a disruption that benefits the world. “More technology has come into this world in the last five years than it has since the beginning of time” said Rajiv. He also educated the audience on the Indian stereotypes and myths saying, “India is considered as a feature phone market, but there are only 500 million users of smartphones which is 59% of the current population which means that 49% of other Indians use feature phones. There is a huge misconception that India is a voice only Android market but we need to remember that there are also 13-15 million iPhone users in India. India has moved from one of the lowest users of data to one of the highest in the world today. Currently an individual uses an average of 15 GB of data a month. Service providers provide a staggering 1.5gb a day to users at low rates which is the most by service providers in the world”. He went on to say that “Innovation should disrupt a particular segment and make it better by eliminating what’s wrong with it. For example, Air BnB is the largest hotel company in the world that doesn’t own a single room, Amazon is the largest shopping company that doesn’t own a single shop or Uber the largest taxi company in the world that doesn’t own a single taxi and making mobility so accessible to the world.”
National Finals – Rural IT Quiz
A highlight of the day was the national finals of the ‘Rural IT Quiz’ which was graced by the presence of Shri. Yaduveer Krishnadatta Chamaraja, the Scion of Mysuru and Dr. K Radhakrishnan, Chairman ISRO in the presence of Shri. S Gopalakrishnan (Kris) and Shri. Sunil Despande, Head – TCS Operations, Bengaluru. Students from the States of Karnataka, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh participated in the program. The Finals had an animation-based format with five segments – Byte Link, Byte Pixel, Byte Jumble, Byte Connect and Byte Waves – which tested the student’s knowledge in the IT sphere, and prompted them to think laterally. While Shivam Kumar Anjana and Jayesh Chaurasiya from Madhya Pradesh’s Government Excellence School, Dewar claimed the first place, Abhishekh Vannur and Dheeraj Angadi from The Forbes Academy, Gokak, Karnataka were the runners up. The winners won a scholarship from Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) for rupees one lakh and the runners up won a scholarship of rupees fifty thousand. Team Madhya Pradesh finished the quiz with 1100 points while Karnataka bagged 800 points. Rajasthan and Chattisgarh shared 150 points each.
R2- RoboRecharge Robotic Premier League
A total of 120 students took part in the roboraces from the Bengaluru and Hyderabad regions. While 50 students took part in the quadcopter race in teams of 10 students each, 70 students took part in the roborace. Students participating in the quadcopter race were also taught about the uses of quadcopters and how to assemble the quadcopter kit. Winners were chosen on the basis of a questionnaire, their ability to construct the quadcopter and their flying skills. Students were chosen from schools which provided robotics training. The winners for the quadcopter race were Team Sishya School, Hosur, Tamilnadu, Team Cambridge School, Bengaluru and Team BRS Global School, Bengaluru who came first second and third respectively. The winners of the roborace were Team SJRites from SJR Public School, Bengaluru, Team QtPi Blooms from Bhashyam Blooms, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, Team Andriod Acolyte Squad from Shishya School, Hosur, Tamilnadu, Team Roborangers from Jubilee Hills Public School, Andhra Pradesh, Team Cyber Freaks from Diya Academy of Learning, Bengaluru and Team BRS Gang5 from BRS Global School, Attibele, Bengaluru. The robotics events were organized by M/s QtPi Robotics.
Smart Bio Awards
The Department of IT, BT, and S&T, Government of Karnataka recognized biotechnology firms in six categories including Agriculture, Animal Biotech, Bioindustrial, Biopharma & Healthcare, Bioservices and Medical Diagnostics. The awardees included:
Agriculture: Mallipathra Nutraceuticals Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru (Dr. Mousumi Mondal)
Animal Biotech: Equine Biotech Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru (Dr. Neela Tatu)
Bioindustrial: Aspartika Biotech Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru (Dr. Srinivas B V)
Biopharama & Healthcare: Stempeutics Research Pvt. Ltd. (Mr. B. N. Manohar)
Bioservices : IC Bio Clinical Research Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru (Dr. Harish S.)
Medical Diagnostics : Trident Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd. (Prof. Kshama Kiran Dev)
Poster Winners
The poster session at Bengaluru Tech Summit 2019-INDIA BIO invited applications from young researchers, scientists and technocrats to share their innovations through posters. Five prize winners along with five consolation prizes were announced. The winners included:
1st Prize: Pooja Yadav, Padmashree Institute of Management and Sciences
2nd Prize: Shakshi Sharma, Maharani Lakshmiammanni College for Women
3rd Prize: Neena Aloysious, The Oxford College of Science
4th Prize: Neha Taskeen, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering and Dhivyaroja E, Biocon Academy
5th Consolation Prize: Sunitha Shroff, Mount Carmel College, Autonomous
5th Consolation Prize: Shivani Pitale, Guru Ghasidas Central University, Bilaspur, Chattisgarh
5th Consolation Prize: Divya K, Padmashree Institute of Management Sciences
5th Consolation Prize: Mayank Kholi, Siddaganga Institute of Technology
5th Consolation Prize: Kajol Kallol Mukherjee, Biocon Academy
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