
Beyond Women’s Day: Building A Sustainable Culture of Gender Equality

By  Neeraj Sharma

International Women’s Day (IWD) is a crucial reminder of the ongoing efforts towards gender equality. While this day plays a key role in building awareness and highlighting achievements, it is vital to acknowledge that true progress requires consistent efforts that extend beyond one day of celebration. Thus, there is a need to build a sustainable culture of gender equality.

While significant strides have been made, women and other marginalized genders still face numerous challenges in the workplace and society. The gender pay gap still exists. Under-representation of women in leadership positions is still prevalent and unconscious bias still creeps in. All of which continue to create hurdles for women.

Sustainable Gender Equality

Building a sustainable culture of gender equality requires ongoing commitment and concerted efforts from individuals, organizations, and societies at large. It goes beyond merely enacting policies; it demands a fundamental shift in attitudes, behaviors, and systemic structures. From the workplace to education, politics, and beyond, fostering an environment where all genders are valued and respected is paramount for a thriving and equitable society. Every developmental effort must be effective and viable.

Sustainability is brought about when the needs, demands, and wants of people get assessed, addressed, and registered. This is where ‘Gender Equality’ meets sustainability and is thus further cumulated and known as ‘Sustainable Gender Equality.’

Beyond Women’s Day

A sustainable culture of gender equality is not a one-time event. It is a conscious and continuous journey of dedication and commitment from societies and organizations. So, how can we move beyond IWD and build a sustainable culture of gender equality?

Here are some actionable steps:

  • Education and Awareness: Promote comprehensive education on gender equality and inclusivity from an early age. Encourage critical thinking about gender norms and stereotypes to challenge biased beliefs and behaviors.
  • Equal Opportunities: Ensure equal access to education, employment, healthcare, and other resources for people of all genders. Implement policies and practices that eliminate discrimination and provide pathways for advancement based on merit.
  • Diverse Representation: Increase representation of women in leadership roles across all sectors. Encourage diverse perspectives and experiences to inform decision-making processes and foster innovation.
  • Work-Life Balance: Advocate for policies that support work-life balance, such as parental leave, flexible working hours, and childcare support. Empower individuals to fulfill both professional and personal responsibilities without facing penalties or stigma.
  • Addressing Gender-Based Violence: Implement comprehensive measures to prevent and respond to gender-based violence, including legal reforms, support services for survivors, and community-based initiatives to challenge harmful attitudes and behaviors.
  • Partnerships and Collaboration: Foster partnerships between governments, civil society, businesses, and other stakeholders to advance gender equality agendas. Collaborate on initiatives that address the intersecting forms of discrimination faced by marginalized groups.
  • Accountability and Monitoring: Establish mechanisms to monitor progress toward gender equality goals and hold institutions accountable for their commitments. Regularly evaluate policies, practices, and outcomes to identify areas for improvement and address gaps.

There are quite a few programs and events worldwide which enrich this culture and promote the betterment of every community.

Allies play a crucial role in supporting gender equality goals. This can involve challenging stereotypes, speaking up against bias, and promoting women for leadership roles.

Impact of sustainable culture of gender equality

An environment where opportunities are equal, collaborations are encouraged and respect is for everyone, beyond their gender, unlocks a range of positive outcomes for both organizations and societies.

For organizations:

  • Increased innovation and creativity: Gender-diverse teams bring together diverse experiences, perspectives, and problem-solving abilities, enhancing innovation and creativity.
  • Improved morale and engagement: With equal respect, opportunities and growth, employees experience higher job satisfaction, motivation, and engagement. This translates into a more productive and collaborative environment.
  • Enhanced reputation and image: Organizations committed to inclusive workplaces and gender equality gain recognition and affinity, attracting top talent. They also emerge fair and trustworthy, fostering strong stakeholder relationships, thus building a positive image and increased loyalty.
  • Access to a wider talent pool: By removing the barriers faced by women, organizations can gain access to a larger and more diverse pool of talent, allowing them to select the best of skills and experiences.

For individuals and societies:

  • Economic growth and development: When women are empowered and given equal opportunities, it can unlock the full potential of the country contributing to significant national and global growth and development.
  • Reduced income disparities and inequality: Empowering women through education, employment, and equal pay leads to improved standard of living and overall well-being of families and communities.
  • Social progress: Gender equality is towards creating an equitable world, leading to overall advancements in science, technology, economy, and social development.

Building a sustainable culture of gender equality is a complex and ongoing process that requires collective action and unwavering commitment. By challenging stereotypes, promoting diversity and inclusion, and advocating for equal rights and opportunities, we can create a world where all individuals, regardless of their gender, can thrive and contribute to a more just and equitable society. It is through our collective efforts that we can realize the full potential of gender equality and create a brighter future for generations to come.


(The author is  Neeraj Sharma, Vice President (Total Rewards), Synchrony Asia Pacific, and the views expressed in this article are his own)