
Blurred Lines, Big Wins: Integrated Communication Takes Flight, Fueling Brand Equity and ROI

By Shiva Bhavani

In today’s fast-paced and dynamic world, communication is the key to success for any brand. However, communication is not just about sending messages to the target audience. It is also about creating a consistent and coherent brand identity across multiple channels and platforms, both online and offline. This is where integrated communication comes in.

Integrated communication is the strategic approach of combining and aligning all the communication efforts of a brand to deliver a unified and seamless experience to the customers. It is not just about using different media, but also about integrating the content, tone, style, and design of the messages. By doing so, integrated communication helps to build trust, loyalty, and recognition among the customers, as well as to enhance the brand equity and return on investment (ROI).

According to a report by the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), 74% of marketers agree that integrated communication is critical to their business success. Moreover, a study by the World Advertising Research Center (WARC) found that campaigns that use integrated communication are 31% more effective at generating profit and 57% more effective at increasing brand penetration than those that do not.

Benefits of Integrated Communication

Integrated communication offers several benefits for brands, such as:

  • Increased reach and engagement: By using multiple channels and platforms, integrated communication allows brands to reach a wider and more diverse audience, as well as to engage them in different ways. For example, a brand can use social media to create awareness, a website to provide information, a blog to share insights, a podcast to tell stories, and an email to offer discounts.
  • Reduced costs and wastage: By aligning and coordinating all the communication efforts, integrated communication helps to avoid duplication and inconsistency, which can lead to confusion and mistrust among the customers. For example, a brand can use analytics tools to track the traffic, conversions, and feedback from different channels and platforms, and then adjust the strategy accordingly.
  • Improved reputation and credibility: By delivering a consistent and coherent brand message across multiple channels and platforms, integrated communication helps to establish a strong and positive brand image in the minds of the customers. For example, a brand can use testimonials, reviews, and case studies to highlight the benefits and outcomes of its products or services, and also to address the pain points and challenges of the customers.

The Benefits Take Off

The fruits of this integrated approach are as sweet as they are numerous. Here’s a glimpse of the sky-high ROI brands are reaping:

  • Brand Equity Soars: A cohesive brand narrative, woven seamlessly across channels, builds trust and recognition. Customers, no longer bombarded with conflicting messages, develop a deeper emotional connection with the brand, leading to increased loyalty and advocacy.
  • Campaign Efficiency Gains Altitude: Gone are the days of duplicating efforts across channels. Integrated communication streamlines campaign execution, optimising resources and maximising impact. Think of it as fuel efficiency for marketing budget.
  • Customer Engagement Reaches Cruising Altitude: When every touchpoint speaks the same language, the customer journey becomes a smooth flight, not a bumpy roller coaster. This fosters engagement, leading to higher conversion rates and customer lifetime value.

Examples of Integrated Communication

Many brands have successfully implemented integrated communication to achieve their goals and objectives. Some of the examples are:

  • Nike: Nike is one of the most iconic and influential brands in the world, and it owes much of its success to its integrated communication strategy. Nike uses a variety of channels and platforms, such as TV, print, digital, social media, events, and experiential marketing, to communicate its core message of “Just Do It”.
  • Coca-Cola: Coca-Cola is another global brand that has mastered the art of integrated communication. Coca-Cola uses a mix of traditional and digital media, such as TV, radio, outdoor, online, mobile, and social media, to communicate its universal message of “Open Happiness”.
  • Wing Communications: Wing Communications is a leading integrated communication agency in India, that offers end-to-end solutions for brands across various sectors and industries. Wing uses a holistic and data-driven approach to design and execute integrated communication campaigns that deliver results.


Integrated communication is the future of communication for brands, as it enables them to create a lasting and meaningful relationship with their customers. By using integrated communication, brands can not only increase their reach and engagement, but also reduce their costs and wastage, and improve their reputation and credibility. Moreover, integrated communication can help brands to boost their brand equity and ROI, and also to gain a competitive edge in the market.

However, integrated communication is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It requires a clear and well-defined strategy, as well as a thorough understanding of the brand’s goals, objectives, audience, and message. It also requires a careful selection and integration of the channels and platforms, as well as a constant monitoring and evaluation of the communication activities. Therefore, brands need to partner with a professional and experienced integrated communication agency, such as Wing, to ensure the success of their integrated communication campaigns.


(The article is authored by Shiva Bhavani, CEO of Wing Communications, and the views expressed in this article are his own)