
How Programmatic Advertising’s Advanced Targeting Capabilities Is Reshaping The Marketing Landscape?

By Abhishek Tiwari


Artificial Intelligence – you have probably heard of it, right? Well, it is making headlines for achieving more with less. What was once considered a threat to jobs is now a vital tool for assisting people. From the perspective of the advertising industry, this technology has been a game-changer for companies. With social media emerging as the primary platform for advertising, it has spurred the demand for data providers. These providers collect, aggregate, and deliver data on various aspects of internet users’ behaviour, interests, and demographics. This data is incredibly valuable for targeted advertising, market research, and other purposes.


The technology of programmatic advertising or advertising via AI has revolutionized the role of space data providers. This advanced technology serves as a flexible marketing tool that automatically selects platforms for spreading and posting ad campaigns. It functions akin to having a super-smart assistant for buying and selling ads online. Instead of relying on human negotiations, companies utilize data and algorithms to automatically purchase ad space in real-time auctions. While some argue that it has led to job displacement, this is merely a misconception. In reality, it has accelerated the process, increased efficiency, and often results in more targeted advertising, as it can identify specific audiences based on their interests, demographics, and online behaviour. Essentially, it is like turbocharging the way ads are bought and sold on the internet.


A full-fledged campaign strategy can be created by marketing experts using a demand-side platform (DSP). This concept enables experts to combine various software solutions for advertisers to automate the process of buying, selling, and streaming across platforms, including television, web, social media, and more, by delivering relevant content directly to the desired audiences. In this way, it creates more opportunities for capable individuals.


To understand it better, let us put it another way: our devices listen to us and communicate with us in their own language. They have started behaving like humans that do not talk but present all options in front of us by checking or reading all the algorithms of our devices.

Google UAC or Universal App Campaigns (formerly known as Google Ad Words) and META AAA campaigns are some of the key examples of amalgamation of technology to serve via smart way.


Google UAC involves advertising activities that are linked with all the accounts and performed on all related platforms. For instance, all phones connected to a smart TV display similar interest ads that are viewed on the TV via the internet. This is how it utilizes the platform’s user data and algorithms to create targeted ads for its specific audience.


Similarly, META marketing campaigns involve advertising across all platforms it owns—including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Audience Network. It allows advertisers to execute cross-platform campaigns, leveraging collective data from all platforms to reach a broader audience.


Creating The Boundaries

How advertisers can reach their target consumers through behaviour and interests in two ways. Let’s understand with a hypothetical situation how advertising can be done within boundaries or geographic areas or predefined geographic boundaries. Businesses use geo-fencing to target potential customers based on their physical location, allowing for highly targeted and personalized marketing campaigns.  Geo-fencing is one method through which a shopkeeper can send messages to his customers under predefined geographic boundaries as soon as they come near his nearby location. For example, a grocery store in its surrounding area, anyone who comes within the radar of its internet or Wi-Fi starts receiving messages about its offers. Overall, geo-fencing enables businesses to engage with their audience in real-time based on their location, improving the relevance and effectiveness of their marketing efforts. Geo-fencing enables businesses to engage with their audience in real-time based on their location, improving the relevance and effectiveness of their marketing efforts.


How AI Is Supporting Programmatic Advertising

It is not a single tool that can be uploaded to automate the advertising process. It is about intelligent decision-making by using the correct data and algorithms to understand users’ behaviour and their real-time surfing. It sieves through the massive data to segregate the correct one to hit the right mark by publishing the right ad to the right platform for the right people so it can not only be seen but seen by the right set of people.


How Does It Work

Just like how people sign a policy bond without reading it, similarly, when login-in to different sites, nobody never ever reads the terms and conditions, but just simply tick the box and sign-in. That is when our data and browser history start getting tracked automatically.

It tracks and analyses user data that includes browsing history, demographics, and online behaviours of a person, providing real-time data to advertisers. This helps in publishing/posting the right ad at the right time to the right person.


The Sentiment

The new movie starring Shahid and Kriti, which is based on robotics, is not just a correct example but an apt one as well. Just as Sifra recognises Shahid from his expressions and mood, similarly, programmatic advertising also assesses sentiment and sends personalised messages to consumers based on their previous conversations and search history.



It is a cost-effective method for posting and releasing ads by tracking real-time data. As mentioned above, companies are no longer spending on surveys that used to require manpower, time, and too much effort. It is a speedy process; there is no need to spend a lot of time searching and visiting ad agencies to reach potential customers. The right ad is seen by the right audience. By using this real-time optimization, reaching more people without any delay is possible.


(The author is Abhishek Tiwari, Global Business Head, Net Set Go Media, and the views expressed in this article are his own)