
Technology: disrupting customer experience in the pet care business

Undoubtedly technology has changed the way businesses interact with customers. Previously, businesses would rely on in-person interactions or phone calls to communicate with customers. However, by digitizing processes, company culture, and data, businesses can make sure they are always meeting customer needs and generating results that exceed expectations.


Companies are attempting to build customer relationships through marketing and customer service techniques that encourage consumer loyalty. Offering contactless customer service is one of these tactics, along with developing a corporate strategy around open digital transformation, managing workflow changes, enhancing operational procedures, and coordinating sales and marketing with organisational objectives. The idea is to build a culture in which services are individualised and relationships are fostered. In various ways, companies can ensure that their consumers have a great experience with their products or services, which will drive long-term loyalty and engagement.


Technology has revolutionized the pet care industry, disrupting traditional methods of delivering pet care services and offering new and innovative ways for pet owners to access and manage their pet care needs.


Various ways that technology is proving to be transformational for the pet care industry include:


Online Booking and Scheduling: One of the biggest ways technology has disrupted the pet care industry is through the introduction of online booking and scheduling services. This has made it easier and more convenient for pet owners to schedule appointments and services for their pets. Whether it’s for a routine check-up, grooming, or a more serious medical issue, online booking, and scheduling allows pet owners to choose a time and date that works best for them, without the need to call or visit the pet care facility in person. This saves pet owners time and helps them plan their schedules more effectively.


Mobile Apps: Mobile apps have become an integral part of our lives, and the pet care industry is no exception. Many pet care businesses are now offering mobile apps that allow pet owners to access information, book appointments, and communicate with their pet care providers from their smartphones. The apps also provide access to important pet care information, such as vaccination records, dietary recommendations, and medication reminders. This makes it easier for pet owners to manage their pet’s health and well-being, and stay up-to-date on all the latest pet care information.


Telemedicine Services: Telemedicine services have revolutionized the healthcare industry, and the pet care industry is now following suit. Telemedicine services for pets allow pet owners to consult with veterinary professionals via video conferencing, eliminating the need for in-person visits. This can be particularly helpful for pet owners who live in remote areas or for pets that have mobility issues. Telemedicine also allows pet owners to receive veterinary advice and support outside of normal office hours, making it more convenient and accessible for pet owners.


Wearable Devices: Wearable devices are becoming increasingly popular in the pet care industry, offering pet owners new and innovative ways to monitor their pet’s health and well-being. These devices can track a pet’s activity levels, and heart rate, and even provide alerts if there are any signs of distress. This information can then be shared with a pet’s veterinarian, helping to ensure that pets receive the best possible care. Wearable devices also provide pet owners with peace of mind, knowing that their pets are being monitored even when they are not around.


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Artificial intelligence and machine learning are increasingly being used in the pet care industry to provide pet owners with personalized and accurate information about their pet’s health and well-being. For example, AI algorithms can be used to analyse pet behaviour, helping to identify potential health issues before they become serious. This information can then be used to develop personalized treatment plans, helping pet owners to provide the best possible care for their pets.


In conclusion, technology is disrupting the pet care industry in numerous ways, offering pet owners new and innovative ways to access and manage their pet care needs. From online booking and scheduling to wearable devices and AI, technology is helping to make pet care more convenient, accessible, and effective. As technology continues to evolve, it is likely that the pet care industry will continue to be disrupted, offering pet owners even more innovative and effective ways to care for their beloved pets.


(The author is Mr. Ambarish Sikarwar- Business Head, Zigly and the views expressed in this article are his own)

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