InterviewsUnmasking The Dark Side of AI: Unveiling Crimes, Risks, and Safeguarding StrategiesNarasimha Raju1 year agoOver these past several years, technology has become an integral part of our lives. In our personal lives as students,...
InterviewsOn changing cybersecurity landscape, what startups can do to secure themselves and advise on the career opportunities in the sectorCXOtoday News Desk2 years agoSeptember 5, 2022Pankit Desai, Co-founder & CEO of Sequretek is an IT and cybersecurity industry seasoned professional and is currently an entrepreneur focused on building India's first core...
SecurityHumans Are the Biggest MalwareDivya Makhija5 years agoOctober 28, 2019Technological advancement, as with every other, comes with its own swings and roundabouts. And the Internet has been just that...