
Wolters Kluwer battles the challenge of medical burnout with trusted clinical technology and evidence-based solutions

With an innovative approach to clinical decision support, Wolters Kluwer is simplifying disease diagnosis and treatment to support healthcare professionals in making informed treatment decisions

CXOToday has engaged in an exclusive interview withChristian Cella, Vice President of Clinical Effectiveness International Market at Wolters Kluwer

  • Could you tell us more about the work being done by Wolters Kluwer? Please elaborate on how your tools reduce the burden on doctors.

Wolters Kluwer is a global leader in professional information, software solutions, and services for clinicians, nurses, accountants, lawyers, and tax, finance, audit, risk, compliance, and regulatory sectors. We provide trusted clinical technology and evidence-based solutions that engage clinicians, patients, researchers and students in effective decision-making and outcomes across healthcare.

Lack of relevant data forces doctors to make treatment decisions based solely on intuition and experience, even more so in scenarios where physicians are caring for patients with multiple conditions and complex medical histories[1]. In an era where almost everything is operated digitally, physicians should be able to digitally reference the decisions made by other clinicians and have immediate access to recommendations based on the latest evidence-based guidelines. This serves as reliable and consistent clinical information that is essential for healthcare professionals to make well-informed decisions.

Having around 2 million physicians and clinicians using our platform across 190+ countries, Wolter Kluwer’s solutions are designed to be used even in areas with intermittent internet connectivity, making them accessible and valuable even in rural healthcare scenarios.

Using our tools, clinicians can access structured summaries and treatment recommendations for various diseases. With content curated by a pool of over 8,000 subject matter experts worldwide, each topic undergoes rigorous peer review to ensure high accuracy and relevance. This process ensures that the information provided is reliable and consistent, which is essential for clinicians to make well-informed decisions. Our recommendations are based on the latest evidence-based guidelines, and our goal is to provide the most trustworthy and reliable clinical information. For diverse scenarios, updated content and recommendations can be provided to clinicians in case specific treatments are not universally available. Our comprehensive solutions help reduce preventable variations in care, significantly improve patient outcomes, and lower overall costs involved.


  • What is the larger industry challenge being tackled by Wolters Kluwer in India?

A recent survey conducted by the Indian Medical Association (IMA) revealed that over 80 per cent of doctors in the country are overwhelmed and stressed in their profession[2], highlighting the alarming levels of emotional exhaustion experienced by doctors in India. Specifically post the pandemic, the burden on the healthcare institutions and professionals is increasing at staggering rates with a shockingly low doctor-to-patient ratio in India. This scenario calls for an urgent intervention of integrated clinical technology to simplify and ease processes across the care continuum. Having a second opinion at one’s fingertips can facilitate timely decisions at the point of care leading to improved patient outcomes. Identifying this need, Wolters Kluwer aims to help healthcare professionals navigate disease identification and treatment decisions by offering evidence-based medicine recommendations.


  • Could you shed light on the development journey of this technology and the involvement of clinical practitioners?

The development of this technology has been a continuous journey. It started around three decades ago as a startup concept. Over the years, we’ve evolved from using CD-ROMs to online databases, mobile access, and now Enterprise Editions with analytics and AI integration. The key to our technology’s success is the high-quality clinical recommendations it provides. These recommendations are authored by a pool of around 8,000 clinical practitioners worldwide who are experts in their respective specialties. This rigorous peer-reviewed content ensures the trustworthiness and reliability of the information. Our technology has grown alongside advancements in digital tools, enabling us to continually enhance user experience and content delivery. Our technology’s development journey has been driven by the need for accurate and updated medical information. The content is curated and reviewed by a global pool of experts, including doctors from India, ensuring that it’s aligned with the latest medical advancements. The evolution of technology has enabled us to serve this content effectively to healthcare professionals, aiding them in making informed clinical decisions.


  • How is this technology transforming the healthcare sector?How does its adoption in India compare to other parts of the world?

The transformation brought about by this technology is significant as it tackles one of the biggest concerns in the healthcare industry today- medical burnout. It also addresses the issue of variability in care and significantly improves patient safety. Without clinical decision support, treatment approaches can differ widely based on the physician’s knowledge and updated information. This variance in care quality can lead to uneven outcomes and increased costs for healthcare systems. By standardizing and streamlining treatment recommendations, our technology reduces this variability, benefiting both patients and the healthcare system. One of the major transformations is that doctors are readily embracing this technology. Physicians are under tremendous stress, especially after the pandemic, and they appreciate tools that aid their decision-making.

The adoption of clinical decision support technology in India has been impressive and dynamic. Within less than a decade, we’ve seen substantial growth in the number of users. We have over 10 million accesses to our platform in India in the last 12 months. This usage indicates that Indian clinicians are finding value in this technology. The adoption might vary based on the type of institution, whether government or private, and the level of healthcare services they provide. But overall, the response has been positive and encouraging. Major institutions like the All India Institute of Medical Sciences and prominent private hospitals have been using our solution for more than a decade. We’ve witnessed strong adoption across government and private institutions, with over 270 hospitals utilizing our technology. The usage is high and growing in smaller hospitals, individual practices, and even primary care settings. The user base includes not only physicians but also nurses, clinical pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals who are benefiting from evidence-based decision support.


  • What is your current user base in India and are there any plans for expansion?

Wolters Kluwer provides access to over 270 institutions, some with multiple sites, and around 10,000 individual physicians. We work with various types of healthcare institutions, including public and private hospitals, teaching institutions, and more. We’re proud to collaborate with institutions like AIIMS, PGI Chandigarh, and Narayana Health, among others. Our tools are designed to benefit a wide range of healthcare settings, from top medical schools to smaller hospitals.

Adoption has been growing across tier one, tier two, and even smaller healthcare facilities, especially with increased internet penetration across the country. The feedback from clinicians and the impact on patient care are very encouraging. We are focused on expanding our reach and are already growing rapidly. While there are challenges, initiatives like India’s push towards digital technology in healthcare are positive indicators for us. We aim to work more closely with administrations at both central and state levels.


  • How do you envision the intersection of digital technology and healthcare growth in India?

As the role of clinicians continues to evolve, we are witnessing the need for them to have access to integrated, user-empowering technology that supports fast-changing workflows. Our solutions require very minimal infrastructural changes and address the crucial need for accessible, standardized and valuable patient care. In India, we’re witnessing significant growth and adoption, and we’re dedicated to contributing to the improvement of healthcare quality across the country. Our goal is to continue collaborating with healthcare institutions and authorities to ensure that our solutions contribute to standardized and effective patient care, ultimately increasing patient safety and reducing costs.

Health-tech innovators such as Wolters Kluwer are proving to be strong enablers of government initiatives like the Ayushman Bharat program and the National Digital Health Mission by aiding in the adoption of digital technology for better patient care and safety. India’s healthcare landscape is evolving rapidly, with a push towards digital technology and evidence-based medicine. Our solutions align perfectly with this trajectory, and we believe they will play a crucial role in enhancing patient care and reducing variability in treatment outcomes. We envision our solutions becoming an integral part of Indian healthcare, improving treatment quality, reducing variations, and ultimately saving lives. We’re also working towards further integration and collaboration within the Indian healthcare ecosystem to improve healthcare quality across the country.

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