
The Metaverse is not dead yet

By Raj Kumar Dwivedi

There is an ongoing debate about the future of the Metaverse. The Metaverse envisions a virtual shared space integrating AR, VR, and the Internet. It continues to captivate the imagination of technologists and innovators. Recent developments, such as Apple’s announcement of the “Vision Pro” AR headset, indicate that the Metaverse is not only alive but gaining momentum.


  • What are key technologies that empower the Metaverse and shape its development?

Raj: – The metaverse is a virtual world that is created by the convergence of various technologies, including augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and the internet. AR overlays digital content on top of the real world, allowing users to interact with it in a more natural way. VR immerses users in a completely digital world, allowing them to experience things that would not be possible in the real world. The Internet provides the foundation for the metaverse by connecting users from all over the world.

Some other important technologies are Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, and Cloud Computing. Blockchain will be used to create secure and decentralized metaverse platforms.   

  • How do you see the future of the Metaverse evolving in terms of technological advancements and user adoption?

Raj: – Metaverse has use cases in different industries that can help solve life-saving problems. The gaming industry is one of the early adopters of the technology followed by film making industry. Production houses are using metaverse technology to create digital movie sets, which can be used as it is in final versions. Many U.S. states are using digital twin technology to re-create wild wire in digital form and then predict future fire behaviours so fire-fighters can easily strategize their actions. Companies like Nvidia have invested in creating a digital twin of climate and this can help predict the future of climate change. The manufacturing industry is also using metaverse to re-create the digital version of actual production process and train the robots in digital format before actual deployments. Renowned surgeons are using AR headsets to accurately perform complex spinal and heart surgeries.

Companies like Apple, Microsoft, Facebook etc. have invested in creating AR headsets and spectacles to experience the metaverse. I believe technology companies will invest more in creating innovative AR and VR products, which will be used in solving some of the most critical problems of human history and improving efficiency in different industries.

  • What challenges or considerations need to be addressed for the Metaverse to reach its full potential?

Raj: The biggest challenge with the metaverse is interoperability. As of now there is no agreed common standard to connect different metaverse platforms. Pixar has developed its own standard for interoperability called USD (universal scene description) and in 2016 Pixar made USD open source, but these are the initial days, and we need to wait to find out if USD will become a common standard. Security and privacy are other important challenges. The metaverse will collect a vast amount of data about users, including their location, biometric data, and personal information. This data could be used for malicious purposes like identity theft or fraud.

The metaverse will require access to high-speed internet, powerful computing hardware, and specialized headsets. This could make it inaccessible to people in developing countries or with limited financial resources. The metaverse is new and uncharted territory, and it is not clear how existing laws and regulations will apply to it. The metaverse could have a significant impact on society, both positive and negative. It could lead to increased social isolation, addiction, and cyberbullying.

  • Can you discuss any recent advancements or breakthroughs in Metaverse technologies that have the potential to shape its future?

Raj: – Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are the two key technologies that are powering the metaverse. Recent advancements in technology have made these technologies more affordable, immersive, and accessible. The latest headsets like Apple Vision Pro, Meta Quest 2, etc. offer a more immersive experience than the previous headsets. Factors like higher resolution display, powerful processors, and better tracking are making these headsets more effective. The development of new metaverse platforms is also shaping the future of competitive metaverse space. Meta’s Horizon Worlds, Roblox, and Microsoft’s Mesh are some of the most popular platforms.

The recent development of haptic gloves has the potential to make VR experiences more realistic and immersive. Haptic gloves are wearable devices that allow users to feel sensations in their hands, such as touch, pressure, and vibration. The development of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), which can read and interpret brain signals, is revolutionizing the user’s interaction with computers and the metaverse.

  • What recent developments or announcements, such as Apple’s “Vision Pro” AR headset, indicate the ongoing relevance and potential growth of the Metaverse?

Raj: – Apple’s “Vision Pro” AR headset: Apple is one of the most influential tech companies in the world, and its entry into the metaverse space is a major sign of the technology’s potential. The Vision Pro is a high-end AR headset that will offer a more immersive and realistic experience than previous AR headsets.

Microsoft’s Mesh platform: Microsoft is another major tech company that is investing heavily in the metaverse. Its platform Mesh allows users to interact and collaborate in virtual world.  Microsoft’s’ acquisition of Activision shows the commitment of the company in building immersive digital experiences.

Roblox’s metaverse: Roblox is a popular gaming platform that allows users to create and play games in virtual worlds. The company has recently announced plans to expand its metaverse platform, and it is already attracting millions of users.

The rise of NFTs and blockchain technology: NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are digital assets that can be used to represent ownership of virtual items. Blockchain technology is the underlying technology that powers NFTs, and it is also being used to build decentralized metaverse platforms.

  • How does blockchain technology ensure security and transparency in the virtual economy of the metaverse?’

Raj: -The blockchain network is decentralized, which means that there is no central governing authority that will be responsible for all the decisions. Instead, a group of nodes make and maintain the network. The same copy of the ledger is available to each node of the blockchain network. This makes blockchain more secure and less vulnerable to hacks and fraud. Blockchain is a permanent and unaltered network, it is immutable. Blockchain functions as a collection of nodes. All the transactions on blockchain are recorded on a public ledger. It is easy to track and verify transactions. Cryptography in blockchain ensures the security, integrity, and verification of the information in the ledger or the information transmitted between the nodes. Some of the use cases of blockchain in metaverse are non-fungible token (NFTs), decentralized finance (DeFi) and gaming.

  • How can metaverse technologies affect data privacy and security, and how can these challenges be addressed?

Raj: – Metaverse technologies have the potential to hamper data privacy and affect security. It is certain that all the metaverse platforms will collect users’ personal data including biometrics, location, and preferences to provide immersive experiences. If not guarded efficiently, these data can be used to steal the identity of users and track their activities.

Metaverse platforms are prone to security vulnerabilities. As these platforms are at a nascent stage, it is highly unlikely that cyber security measures will be stringent. These platforms might also become the source of cyberbullying and harassment and users could be exposed to inappropriate contents.

Regulators and industry players can address these problems by adopting stringent data privacy regulations, mandatory adoption of efficient security standards, and providing continuous user education on possible privacy and security risks. Users should also be proactive in reporting suspicious activity, and they should use strong passwords and multi-factor authentication.


(The author is Mr.Raj Kumar Dwivedi, Associate, Director, Orion Innovation, and the views expressed in this article are his own)

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