
Top 5 Ways Influencer marketing is helping brands prioritise customer engagement this festive season

By Ritesh Ujjwal 

The rise of influencer marketing in recent times can be accredited to the heightened presence of social media users, where one observes audiences across demographics. From a broader perspective, we see an amalgamation of creativity, ideas and preferences that unite these audiences. Similarly, the festive season comprises many cultures, communities and audiences connected and combined with the Indian festive spirit. Irrespective of how one celebrates a festival or occasion this festive season, familial unity, togetherness and a sense of community soar during this time. Of all the activities people delve into during this joyous season, a standard affair everyone finds in the echo chamber is purchasing. A noteworthy statistic reveals that 66% of Indian consumers intend to earmark a budget ranging from ₹25,000 to ₹50,000 for their festive expenditures. (Source)

Communication is vital and is also the distinctive competence of influencer marketing. Brands harbour ambitions for creating as much engagement as possible for any of their influencer marketing campaigns, as likes, shares, and digital word-of-mouth communication are the sources of primary leverage in achieving virality in content. But the cluttered content from various other brands during the festive season makes it hard for some to rise from the noise. This is a common worry, as statistics show 3.8 million posts tagged with #ad on Instagram in 2021 (Source). With the help of specific strategies, influencer marketing can help brands shine like a diamond in the rough.


Fostering Creative Synergy in Collaborations this Festive Season

Effective influencer marketing campaigns result from a collaborative effort between brands and content creators. Brands possess the expertise to effectively showcase their products and services, while influencers ride the waves of social media trends. I have witnessed the birth of highly creative ideas originating from influencers, leading me to realise that crafting content for campaigns is not a solitary endeavour.  What adds another layer of authenticity and engagement to these campaigns is the incorporation of User-Generated Content (UGC). By maintaining close contact with influencers during campaign development, they often suggest UGC strategies that cater to their specific audience. This approach not only personalises the campaign but also makes it more relatable and organic, as it involves the active participation of the audience.“


Creativity and Innovation – Immersive Technology in the Limelight.

The most effective way to turn audiences’ heads is by showing them something they haven’t experienced. Integrating AI in influencer marketing has become a hot-button topic, with tech enthusiasts creating AI-powered virtual influencers replicating human actions. Augmented Reality can also help brands add an innovative touch to their campaigns, as we often see various filters and games available on social media platforms. It is compelling that consumers do not remain spectators, while brands deliver a flat marketing message. Allowing consumers to play around and integrate the physical with the virtual enables users to mould their experiences actively and have a much more authentic interaction with the brand. The spark in the dark is when brands take ownership of such technology and make it instantaneously identifiable by their audience. As brands struggle with the notion of mixed reality, those who move early to incorporate AR/VR as part of their holistic marketing strategy will lead the pack.


Establishing a Familial Connection with Customers

Why has influencer marketing come up as the new way to market? The ace up its sleeve is the ability to showcase personalised and relatable content that etches into the audience’s minds. One of the overall themes of the festive season is bonding, as it is a feeling that emerges from one and all during this time. When brands collaborate with influencers and showcase content that invokes the same sense, it creates the same familiarity and feelings of homeliness that make their audience remember what they’ve seen. Festivals’ inherent values of togetherness, tradition, and celebration provide the perfect backdrop for such connections to flourish.


Gifting vs. Buying – A Thin yet Strategic Line

As per recent research findings, it is anticipated that the gifting market in India will experience substantial growth, projected to increase from $119 million in 2019 to $159 million by 2025 (Source). In commerce, every transaction represents an exchange of goods for currency. However, we can make these transactions meaningful connections during the festive season. When our customers view our products as gifts, they are not just acquiring items but expressing emotions, creating memories, and reinforcing relationships. Gifting is an act of care, thoughtfulness, and affection. It embodies the very essence of the season—a time when people come together to celebrate and strengthen their bonds.

By positioning offerings as ideal gifts, we tap into the emotional resonance that underlies the festivities. This approach allows us to align our brand with the values of family, friendship, and gratitude integral to this season. It transforms our products into vehicles for fostering connections and making moments more memorable.


The Need for Community Building

In the age of digital connectivity, consumers are inundated with a deluge of information and choices. Their attention spans have become increasingly fleeting, and the competition for their consideration is relentless. Against this backdrop, influencer marketing emerges as a potent strategy for reaching and resonating with an audience.

The power of such personal relationships should be considered. They serve as a formidable shield against the fleeting trends and fickle loyalties that often characterise the modern marketplace. When consumers feel heard and valued and experience a sense of belonging with a brand, they are likely to become advocates, remain loyal, and choose a brand’s offerings over those of their competitors.

Furthermore, continuous communication is instrumental in ensuring that our brand remains top-of-mind. It keeps us relevant in the eyes of our audience, preventing us from fading into obscurity amidst the noise of the digital world. It positions us as a dynamic and evolving entity responsive to the customers’ changing needs and aspirations.


Closing Thoughts

In conclusion, the best campaigns are the ones the audiences talk about. For this to occur, aligning the campaign’s vision and an influencer’s interests can play a compelling differentiator where brands can set a sturdy foundation for themselves on social media platforms. Standing out also requires brands to add an innovative touch powered by technology while keeping their roots in the traditional and emotional values of the festive season. These combined can help brands achieve high engagement rates, which brands must strive for. The average engagement rate for Instagram is 3% (Source), but brands must aim higher during the festive season. Content creators, in their role as trusted online figures, foster a sense of belonging within their follower community. Through influencer campaigns, brands can tap into this need for connection, making consumers feel like part of an exclusive and festive tribe.  influencers’ endorsement also reinforces the idea that the brand’s offerings are not only desirable but also the choice of those they admire.

We pave the way for lasting and profound connections with our audience. These connections, while fostering immediate engagement, are also the foundation upon which we construct enduring brand loyalty.


(The author is Ritesh Ujjwal – Co-Founder – Kofluence, and the views expressed in this article are his own)

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