
Criteo’s Customized Approach Helps Neemans Build Stronger Customer Relationships Online

CXOToday has engaged in an exclusive interview with Mr. Taranjeet Singh, Managing Director – South East Asia & India, Criteo


  1. Who is Neeman’s target audience, and how did Criteo help them engage its audience more effectively?

Neeman’s target audience is young men with high spending power, aged between 25-45 years, who are interested in sustainable and innovative footwear. Criteo helped Neeman’s engage with its target audience more effectively by running always-on acquisition and retention campaigns that personalized branded dynamic ads to each shopper, based on real-time catalog data and predictive intelligence. Criteo’s technology enabled the brand to reach high-intent, high-spending power footwear audiences, identify and engage competitor audiences, and retarget users accurately.

  1. How did Criteo help Neeman’s deliver personalized dynamic ads to each shopper based on real-time catalog data and predictive intelligence?

Criteo enabled Neeman’s to deliver personalized dynamic ads to each shopper based on real-time catalog data and predictive intelligence by implementing their always-on acquisition and retention campaigns. These campaigns involved using Criteo’s creative and product recommendation capabilities to personalize branded dynamic ads. Criteo’s quick-to-market prospecting and in-market audience solution was used to find and engage high-intent, high-spending consumers that were a strong fit for the Neeman’s brand. The acquisition campaign aimed to increase brand recognition among potential customers by showing them tailored video ads throughout their customer journeys, while the retention campaign targeted audiences that had already been exposed to Neeman’s video ads or had visited the brand’s website in the past 60 days.

  1. How did Criteo’s campaign help Neeman’s to reach new and long-term customers? Can you share any specific examples of how Criteo’s technology helped Neeman’s?

Criteo’s campaign helped Neeman’s reach new and long-term customers by generating more sales across various channels, such as the brand’s website, social media platforms, and marketplaces like Flipkart. Criteo’s quick-to-launch prospecting and in-market audience solution helped Neeman’s identify and engage high-intent, high-spendingaudiences who are a good fit for  Neeman’s brand. Additionally, Criteo’s ability to personalize dynamic ads to each shopper helped increase video completion rate by +65%, platform sales by +88%, and generated a +68% lift in revenue compared to using display ads alone.

Through Criteo’s Commerce Growth capabilities, Neeman’s was able to boost sales across various channels, including its website, social media platforms, and marketplaces like Flipkart. By delivering tailored video ads throughout the customer journey, Neeman’s was able to successfully engage new customers exploring the open internet and re-engage with those who had previously interacted with the brand.

  1. What were the results of Neeman’s always-on acquisition and retention campaigns with Criteo, and how did they compare to using display ads alone?

The always-on acquisition and retention campaigns with Criteo resulted in significant performance results for Neeman’s. The company  increased their video completion rate by 65%, saw their platform sales rise 88%, and generated a 68% lift in revenue compared to using display ads alone. These results were better than using display ads alone, indicating the effectiveness of Criteo’s always-on acquisition and retention campaigns in driving sales and revenue growth for Neeman’s.


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