
Strategies for Women’s Career Advancement in Leadership Positions: Insights from a Leadership Coach

CXOToday has engaged in an exclusive interview with Jaya Mehrotra, Founder of the Women Leadership Circle (WLC)


  1. As a leadership coach, what strategies have proven particularly effective for women aiming to advance their careers in leadership positions?

I have had the privilege of working closely with numerous women striving to excel in leadership positions. Through my experience, I have discovered several highly effective strategies that have consistently propelled women towards their career goals.

Firstly, it is vital for women to establish a clear personal brand and professional identity. This involves understanding their unique strengths, values, and passions, and aligning them with their career aspirations. By crafting a compelling narrative that showcases their expertise and distinctive qualities, women can differentiate themselves in competitive leadership landscapes. A strong personal brand not only boosts self-confidence but also garners respect and recognition from colleagues and superiors.

Secondly, cultivating a robust professional network is invaluable. Women should actively seek out mentors, sponsors, and peers who can provide guidance, support, and opportunities for growth. Engaging in networking events, industry conferences, and professional associations enables women to connect with influential individuals who can open doors to new possibilities. Additionally, participating in mentorship programs fosters valuable learning relationships and helps women navigate career challenges more effectively.

Furthermore, developing exceptional communication and negotiation skills is essential for women aiming to advance their careers. Effective communication enables them to convey their ideas, influence others, and build strong relationships. Women should invest in honing their public speaking, presentation, and assertiveness skills. Additionally, mastering negotiation techniques empowers women to advocate for themselves, secure promotions, and achieve fair compensation.

Additionally, cultivating resilience and embracing a growth mindset are critical for long-term success. Leadership journeys often involve setbacks and obstacles, but it is essential for women to view these challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. Developing resilience allows them to bounce back from setbacks and maintain a positive outlook, while a growth mindset fuels continuous improvement and innovation.

Lastly, women should actively seek out opportunities to lead and take on challenging assignments. They should proactively volunteer for leadership roles, projects, and cross-functional initiatives that stretch their skills and broaden their experience. Demonstrating leadership potential through tangible results and contributions increases their visibility and positions them as strong candidates for future leadership positions.

In summary, by focusing on personal branding, building a robust network, honing communication and negotiation skills, cultivating resilience, and actively pursuing leadership opportunities, women can navigate the path to leadership with confidence and purpose. As a leadership coach, my mission is to empower women to embrace their potential, break through barriers, and achieve their aspirations. Together, let us pave the way for a future where women thrive in leadership positions, making a lasting impact in their organisations and beyond.


  1. What sparked your vision to create a women-only networking company like Women Leadership Circle?

My vision to create a women-only networking company was sparked by a deep-rooted belief in the incredible potential and power of women. Throughout history, women have faced numerous challenges and barriers in their professional lives, often lacking the necessary support and opportunities to thrive in male-dominated industries.

I witnessed firsthand the immense talent, intelligence, and drive that women possess, and yet I saw how they were consistently dropping out of their careers post a certain age. This realization ignited a burning desire within me to create a platform that would empower and uplift women, enabling them to break through the glass ceiling and achieve their fullest potential.

By establishing the Women Leadership Circle, I aimed to foster a community of like-minded women who would inspire and empower each other to reach new heights of success. I envisioned a platform that would provide resources, mentorship, and educational opportunities tailored specifically to the unique challenges and aspirations of women in leadership roles.

I firmly believe that when women come together, incredible things happen. By harnessing the collective wisdom, experiences, and expertise of women from diverse backgrounds, industries, and walks of life, we can drive meaningful change, challenge societal norms, and shape a more equitable future for all.

The Women Leadership Circle is not just a networking company; it is a movement. It is a testament to the untapped potential within each and every woman, waiting to be unleashed. It is a commitment to shatter the limitations imposed upon us and create a world where women can lead, succeed, and thrive without compromise.

Through our events, workshops, mentorship programs, and online community, we strive to create a supportive ecosystem that nurtures the growth and development of women leaders. We celebrate achievements, champion one another, and provide a platform for women to amplify their voices and make a lasting impact on their organizations, industries, and society as a whole.


  1. Could you share the most significant barriers that women encounter as leaders, and how does Women Leadership Circle help overcome those challenges?

As women strive to break barriers and assume leadership positions, they encounter a myriad of challenges that often hinder their progress. At Women Leadership Circle, we understand these obstacles and are dedicated to equipping women with the necessary tools and support to overcome them.

Lack of Representation: One of the significant barriers women face is the lack of representation in leadership positions. Women are often underrepresented in boardrooms, executive positions, and decision-making roles. Women Leadership Circle addresses this by providing a platform for women to connect with established female leaders who serve as mentors, role models, and advocates. Our mentorship programs match aspiring leaders with experienced women who can guide them through the challenges of their respective industries and inspire them to pursue ambitious goals.

Limited Access to Networks: Building strong professional networks is crucial for career advancement. However, women often face limited access to influential networks that can provide opportunities and open doors. Women Leadership Circle offers a vibrant and inclusive networking community exclusively for women. Through our events, workshops, and online platform, we facilitate connections among women from various industries and backgrounds. By creating a supportive and collaborative environment, we empower women to build meaningful connections, exchange ideas, and tap into a diverse network of professionals who can become lifelong allies and advocates.

Gender Bias and Stereotyping: Women leaders frequently encounter gender bias and stereotyping, which can undermine their credibility and hinder their progress. Women Leadership Circle addresses this challenge by providing training and resources that help women develop leadership skills, assertiveness, and confidence. Our workshops focus on empowering women to navigate biases and stereotypes effectively, enabling them to challenge societal norms and redefine leadership on their terms.

Imposter Syndrome: Imposter syndrome, the feeling of being undeserving of success or fearing being exposed as a fraud, is a common barrier for women in leadership. Women Leadership Circle tackles this by creating a supportive community that celebrates women’s achievements and fosters a culture of empowerment. Through our mentorship programs, peer support, and inspirational events, we help women overcome imposter syndrome by building their confidence and recognizing their unique value as leaders.

Limited Leadership Development Opportunities: Women often face limited access to leadership development programs and opportunities for growth. Women Leadership Circle addresses this by offering tailored leadership development workshops, seminars, and conferences. We bring in renowned experts and thought leaders to share insights and provide practical guidance on various aspects of leadership, helping women develop the skills and knowledge needed to advance their careers.

Women Leadership Circle is committed to dismantling barriers that hinder women’s progress in leadership roles. Through our comprehensive approach, we empower women to overcome challenges, build strong networks, develop essential skills, and find the support they need to thrive as leaders and bring women in power.


  1. How Women Leadership Circle go beyond traditional networking events to create meaningful connections and collaborations being a not for profit/ section 8 company

I am proud to say that we go far beyond traditional networking events to create meaningful connections and collaborations for women in leadership. Our organization is driven by a passion to empower and support women, and we have taken a unique approach to achieve our mission as a not-for-profit/section 8 company.

First and foremost, Women Leadership Circle focuses on building a strong and inclusive community. We understand that true connections and collaborations are built on trust, shared values, and genuine relationships. We foster an environment where women can come together, not just to exchange business cards, but to engage in meaningful conversations, share their experiences, and support one another’s growth. We prioritize creating a safe and nurturing space where women can be authentic, vulnerable, and inspire each other.

In addition to our networking events, we offer a range of programs and initiatives designed to facilitate deeper connections and collaborations. These include mentorship programs, peer-to-peer learning groups, and skill-building workshops. By providing opportunities for women to connect on a deeper level, we encourage the formation of strong, lasting relationships that extend beyond the confines of traditional networking.

As a not-for-profit/section 8 company, our primary focus is on the well-being and success of our members rather than maximizing profits. We reinvest any surplus funds back into our programs and initiatives, ensuring that we can continue to provide valuable resources and opportunities to women in leadership. Our commitment to being a not-for-profit organization demonstrates our dedication to our mission and the genuine desire to make a positive impact on the lives of women.


5. What emerging trends or opportunities do you foresee for women, and how can they leverage these to enhance their leadership skills and career prospects?

The future holds tremendous promise for women, with emerging trends and opportunities that can empower them to enhance their leadership skills and career prospects.

Entrepreneurship and Startups: The startup ecosystem is thriving, with numerous support systems and funding options available for aspiring entrepreneurs. Women can harness their entrepreneurial spirit and tap into this ecosystem by starting their own businesses or joining early-stage startups. This allows them to shape their own destinies, develop their leadership skills, and contribute to economic growth.

Remote Work and Flexibility: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of remote work and flexible work arrangements. This shift has the potential to level the playing field for women, as it offers increased work-life balance and the opportunity to juggle personal and professional responsibilities more effectively. Women can leverage this trend by advocating for flexible work arrangements, demonstrating their ability to excel in remote work settings, and seeking out organizations that prioritize work-life integration.

Mentorship and Networking: Building a strong support network is crucial for professional growth. Women can proactively seek out mentors and engage in networking opportunities to expand their connections and gain valuable guidance. Establishing relationships with influential individuals who can provide advice, advocate for career advancement, and open doors to new opportunities can significantly enhance leadership skills and career prospects.

Greater Representation and Diversity: There is a growing recognition of the importance of diverse perspectives in leadership positions. Organizations are actively seeking to improve gender balance at all levels, creating more opportunities for women to assume leadership roles. Women can capitalize on this trend by actively pursuing leadership positions, leveraging their unique insights and experiences to drive innovation and inclusive decision-making.

Tech-Driven Transformation: The digital era presents immense possibilities for women. As technology continues to advance, there is an increasing demand for professionals with expertise in fields such as artificial intelligence, data analytics, cybersecurity, and digital marketing. Women can seize these opportunities by upskilling themselves in these areas, enabling them to take on pivotal roles in driving technological innovation and digital transformation across industries.

In conclusion, By capitalizing on greater representation, leveraging technology, exploring entrepreneurship, embracing flexibility, building networks, and advocating for gender equality, women can position themselves as leaders, catalysts for change, and champions of success in a rapidly evolving world.


6. Looking ahead, what are your future aspirations and goals for Women Leadership Circle, and how do you envision its impact on the professional lives of women in the coming years?


As the founder of the Women Leadership Circle, my future aspirations and goals are ambitious yet rooted in the belief that women have the power to shape the world with their leadership. I envision the Women Leadership Circle becoming a global movement that not only empowers and supports women in all aspects of their professional lives but also aids in creating a future of women in power.

I want to expand the reach of the Women Leadership Circle, both geographically and in terms of its impact. I aim to establish regional chapters in different cities, creating a network of empowered women leaders who can connect, share experiences, and inspire one another. By fostering this sense of community, we will create a powerful support system for women at all stages of their careers.

One of my key goals is to provide accessible and comprehensive resources for women’s professional development. This includes organizing regular conferences, workshops, and training programs that focus on leadership skills, negotiation techniques, and navigating challenges specific to women in the workplace. By equipping women with the tools they need to succeed, we will help them break through barriers and achieve their full potential.

WLC will establish mentoring programs that connect experienced women leaders with aspiring professionals, enabling them to benefit from the guidance and support of those who have paved the way.

In the coming years, the impact of the Women Leadership Circle on the professional lives of women will be transformative. By fostering a strong network of women leaders, providing resources and training, advocating for gender equality, and promoting mentorship and sponsorship, we will break down barriers and create a more equitable landscape for women in all industries.

Women will no longer feel isolated or unsupported in their professional journeys. They will have access to a vibrant community that celebrates their achievements, amplifies their voices, and provides the necessary tools for success. As a result, we will see an increase in the number of women in leadership positions, driving positive change and shaping the future of industries worldwide.


7. Based on your expertise in leadership development, what advice would you give to women aspiring to become influential leaders.

As a leadership coach and a woman who has navigated the path to influential leadership, I understand the unique challenges and opportunities that women face in their journey. Here are some pieces of advice that I would offer to women aspiring to become influential leaders:

Embrace your authentic leadership style: Your leadership style is unique and should be a reflection of your true self. Don’t feel pressured to conform to traditional or stereotypical leadership models. Embrace your strengths, values, and passions, and let them guide your leadership approach. Your authenticity will inspire others and help you stand out as a leader.

Cultivate a strong support network: Surround yourself with a diverse and supportive network of mentors, peers, and allies who believe in your potential. Seek out mentors who can provide guidance, advice, and support throughout your journey. Connect with other women leaders who can empathize with your experiences and offer valuable insights. Remember, you don’t have to do it all alone. A strong support network can provide encouragement, accountability, and opportunities for growth.

Embrace and leverage your unique perspective: As a woman, you bring a unique perspective to leadership. Embrace it and recognize the value it adds to your decision-making and problem-solving. Your diverse experiences and insights can lead to innovative approaches and inclusive solutions. Use your voice to advocate for diverse perspectives and create an environment where everyone feels valued and heard.

Continuously invest in your development: Leadership is a journey of lifelong learning and growth. Commit yourself to continuous personal and professional development. Seek out opportunities to enhance your skills, expand your knowledge, and develop new competencies. This can include attending leadership workshops, pursuing advanced education, seeking out challenging assignments, and actively seeking feedback. The more you invest in your own development, the more equipped you’ll be to tackle complex leadership challenges.

Overcome self-doubt and imposter syndrome: It’s common for women to experience self-doubt and imposter syndrome, feeling like they don’t deserve their achievements or doubting their abilities. Recognize these feelings as normal but don’t let them hold you back. Develop a growth mindset and focus on your strengths and achievements. Surround yourself with positive affirmations, visualize your success, and celebrate your accomplishments along the way. Remember, you have earned your place at the table, and your unique contributions are valuable.

Champion and empower other women: As you rise to influential leadership positions, make a conscious effort to champion and empower other women. Create opportunities for their growth and advancement. Mentor and sponsor emerging women leaders, and advocate for gender diversity and inclusion in your organization. By lifting others as you climb, you contribute to a more equitable and inclusive leadership landscape.

Lead with empathy and authenticity: Leadership is not just about achieving results; it’s about inspiring and connecting with people. Cultivate emotional intelligence, empathy, and active listening skills to build strong relationships with your team and stakeholders. Be open, vulnerable, and authentic in your interactions. People are more likely to follow leaders they trust and relate to on a human level.

Remember, your journey to influential leadership may not always be smooth, but each challenge you face is an opportunity for growth. Embrace your unique strengths, seek support, and stay true to yourself. By doing so, you can become an Impactful leader who inspires others and creates positive change in your organization and beyond.

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